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The wind tortured Peter's weak and tired body relentlessly, more powerful than it had ever been that year. Pulling up the wind-breaker on his over sized jacket did nothing to protect himself and eventually he gave up. For the fifteenth time that hour he peered into the old Styrofoam cup to count the pocket change a few kind souls dropped in when passing by. 

There was barely enough to buy a sandwich from Delmar's store, and that was with him halving the price. He had always had a soft spot for the kid, remembering when he came into his shop as a young child with his Aunt May. He could remember the kid running out of his apartment, distressed after finding May's body.

When the sun started to duck beneath the clouds and the sky grew darker, Peter gathered his belongings into his backpack and tipped his money into his pocket. He'd just grab some food tomorrow, if he could go two days without a meal then he could last one more. It wasn't that big of a deal.

In the privacy of an alley way, which seemed to be cut off from the rest of the world, he changed out of his multiple layers that barely protect him from the cold to reveal his Spider-Man suit. Peter quickly stuffed his clothes into his backpack and hid the bag behind a dumpster. He could never be sure if the bag would be there when he came back from his patrols, he could only hope.

He swiftly leaped into the air and climbed up to the roof of the nearby building, slightly dizzy. The lack of food was starting to take effect, he could normally jump much higher than he did and was almost certain there weren't supposed to be black dots dancing around in front of his eyes. 

Not to mention his smell, he hadn't washed himself in so long and didn't want to risk sneaking into school to use the showers there. He could deal with the smell, food and the winter cold were far more a threat to him.

Peter swung around the city of Queen's, searching for crimes to stop and innocent people to save. In a matter of hours he stopped three attempted bank robberies, four petty thefts and even prevented a sexual assault. 

As always, he left the criminals tied up for the police to find and guided the victims home. Even once or twice carrying the braver ones while swinging from web to web. That was saved for the more urgent cases and people further from home.

One of the people he saved, a charming woman who didn't think she could thank the masked hero enough, insisted on giving him something in return. She practically forced him to take a crisp twenty dollar note into his hand before walking to her house, less than a block away. 

Peter was beaming beneath his mask but couldn't help but wonder what she'd of done if she saw him in civilian form, homeless, on the pavement. Most likely she would of walked on, not sparing a second glance to him.

He tried to shake off that thought. She was kind enough to reward his hard work, which often was swept under the rug by the police. They'd always love to claim they caught the criminals and didn't learn from each time the press found out the truth. He supposed it could be worse, they could be trying to bring them in or shoot at him.

The night was still young and Peter felt a new burst of energy from the woman's generosity. He decided to go for longer, pushing himself. It wasn't from greed, though, it was far from it. Whenever he saw the faces of those he saved, the gratitude towards the hero, he felt satisfied. He didn't do it for fame or the money (the twenty dollar bill was a rare event), he did it because he had to. 

He had been given a great power and with it came a great responsibility. Or at least, that's what an incredibly wise man had once told him.


It was quiet throughout all of Stark Tower, only a few being awake. One of which was Tony Stark, he was in his office hacking into the cities CCTV cameras to track down the famous Spider that protected Queen's. He was amazed to watch the mysterious hero save multiple people, even reluctantly accept money from a very persistent woman he rescued from a mugger.

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