The Ride

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"[Y/n] just tell me already.." Momo whined. "Nooope! The only person I told was Mochi, and she swore not to tell anybody." [Y/n] did a small skip. "Who's Mochi-san?" Momo asked with a confused face. "That's a secret~"

"[Y/n], that's not fair! I told you mine!"

"Hey Toru." Hagakure waved back at the girl. "I'm over excited! I already missed visiting U.S.J! I can't wait to see Thirteen-sensei again!" Hagakure squealed, not caring that she didn't have any nominations from the heroes. "I wish the best luck of you. Thirteen will make you work non-stop." [Y/n] said as she landed her cheek into her palm, her elbow was used as a support on the desk. "How do you know?" Hagakure noticed the small bead of sweat rolled down from [Y/n]'s forehead.

"I just.. guess! Yeah, guess." She chuckled. "Oh hey you two!" Momo slammed her palms on her sister's desk. "H-Hey Momo! What's wrong?" Hagakure inched away seeing Momo's dark face. "Are you Mochi-san?" "M-Mochi? N-no?" Momo threw her arms in the air, letting out a chorus of 'uugh'.

"If so, farewell my friends!" And she went away.

"You've brought your costumes? Great. But don't wear it in the public, understand?" The students replied to their teacher in unison. "Yes, Aizawa-sensei!" He nodded, tucking his hands into the pockets on his pants. "And learn some manner. Okay let's go." Aizawa let his students had small talks while waiting for their train to arrive.

"Kiri, where are you going?" [Y/n] scooted closer to the boy. He grinned. "Fourth Kind!" "Oh, interesting." He nodded enthusiastically at the girl who shared a few informations of the said hero. "I'm looking forward to this!" Hagakure threw herself on the taller girl's back, causing her to almost stumble back. "Hagakure, be careful or you can hurt yourself!" Kirishima grabbed [Y/n]'s arm before she could squish the invisible girl.

Hagakure mumbled something. "I can hear you, y'know!" Kirishima raised an eyebrow at her. "Eek I'm sorry!!" The both laughed. "Now that I just notice this.. [Y/n], you changed quite a lot since the sports festival.." Kaminari peeked from Kirishima's shoulder. "Oh yeah, now that Kaminari mentions it.. wait- did you stare at [Y/n] in class just to point that out?" He nodded with no shame.

"Yeah.. You're practically the same height as Sero-" The tape dispenser, who was linking his arm around Kaminari was shocked. "Holy shit, I didn't notice at all! [Y/n] can you stand next to me?!" Sero quickly ran next to the girl, causing her to scoot away. "-and your hair, it used to be really short! Now it passed your shoulders! You even styled it in small ponytail." He listed out. "Wait a minute.. I always tie my hair up. How do you know it passed my shoulders?"

"Kaminari, busteeed!!"

"S-shut up, Mineta!!"

All of them looked at him. [Y/n] had her hand on her hips, raising an eyebrow at him. Suddenly a hand was on [Y/n]'s head. "Oi, bitch." A low voice called out. Recognizing that voice, [Y/n] turned to see the explosive boy. "What's wrong Katsuki-san?" If he could, he would have blown her head to pieces. But fuck his height! Was she trying to kill him?! "Why did you choose him? Out of all Pro Heroes!"

[Y/n] saw a trio, and most importantly, Uraraka Ochako. She whistled, face was covered with sweat as she tried her best to look innocent. "I'm guessing.. You are going to Best Jeanist too?" A 'tch' from him confirmed it.

"Best Jeanist, huh? In the middle of Tokyo.." Bakugo growled at the sight of Todoroki walking to the girl. "So we're going to use the same route, huh?" "Oh, Hosu? Yeah." Bakugo wasn't an idiot, he saw the girl's awkward 'smile' at the dual coloured hair boy. She fidget quite a lot too. Wait- they're going to use the same train too?! Hell nah!

"Ah, there is it, let's go." He grabbed the girl's hand. "Where are you taking [Nickname]-chan?! You don't take what's minE!!" Hagakure screamed, causing Aizawa to facepalm himself. "I heard that you have to meet Thirteen at 1400. Still 6 hours left." Todoroki said with a straight face. "But I don't have a ticke-" "Here." He handed her the ticket, causing happy aura to appear around her. "THANK YOU SO MUCH TODOROKI-KUN!" Aizawa sighed.

"Kirishima-kuuun!" "Hagakure? What's wro-" She explained everything to him in ten seconds. "Sit next to me!!" "Okay!!"

"Let's gooo!!!"

The five students entered the train. The seats were positioned facing eachother, and Hagakure was mad that Bakugo took her supposedly seat next to [Y/n], but the cinnamon roll Kirishima came to the rescue! "Aw, don't you want to sit with me earlier?" "Of course I do! Those two took our places!!" She pointed at the explosive boy with half-and-half  who were sitting next to girl so she was in the middle.

"Calm down a bit, Toru. You're going to cause a scene!"

"Hehe, I'm sorry!~"

End chapter 50

Just informing you guys that I wanted to make [Y/n] to go with Shoto to Endeavor. But.. Best Jeanist has a higher ranking in my smol heart :) Sorry Endeavor.

«Momo's Twin» Book 2✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ