Exam is nearing!!

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[Y/n]: Yo, Shiji.

Shiji: Nani.

[Y/n]: Nice title *slowly slides reverse uno card*

Shiji: F uCk


"Finally it's over~"

Both Uraraka and Hagakure sighed together. "Hmn, true. I sweat quite a lot out there." Momo said, the back of her hand wiping the sweat on her chin.

[Y/n] clicked open the door and let the other girls enter first. She looked around to make sure none of the boys were around before letting herself in.

She didn't know why but she was full of energy that day, and she was thankful for Best Jeanist for the hard training for days. She was about to strip when he heard an annoying voice on the other side of the wall.


"Hm?" A threatening aura emitted from [Y/n]'s body.

"Hm?" A threatening aura emitted from [Y/n]'s body

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A painful scream erupted from the pervert. [Y/n] had thrown one of her almost melted hard candies in his eyes, so she hoped he would have a great time washing the stickiness off.


[Y/n] screamed and plastered a poster on the hole to make sure it wouldn't happen again. The girls came rushing to the girl and hugged her. "You saved us, [Y/n]!!" "Thank you very much!~"

[Y/n] only nodded, but something- or rather someone was missing. 'Ochako.' Uraraka was staring at her hero costume in her hand, her back was facing the girls. She looked.. upset.

Well, shit. She's not good in consoling people.

The girls started to change into their school uniforms. [Y/n] stayed back and ushered the others to left first quietly since Uraraka was in her own world, staring into her locker while slowly doing her buttons, incorrectly, if she may add..

"Better hurry up, [Y/n]. Aizawa-sensei is next in the timetable!" Momo warned her sister before walking out with Hagakure.

They closed the door.

Uraraka still was still spacing out.

"MOCHI!" [Y/n] slammed her hand on her locker, closing it in the process. Uraraka jolted at her name and turned around with scared eyes. (Basically action of kabedon*)

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"E-excuse me?"

"I- I mean- you're doing the buttons wrongly."

Uraraka stared down and blushed.

"A-ah yes I'm sorry."

She mumbled, looking down at her shoes. [Y/n] balled her hand into a fist and gritted her teeth. "Fine. I'll leave you alone." [Y/n] looked dead serious, Uraraka slowly tearing up at the thick tension around them.

[Y/n] left the brunette alone swarming in thoughts.

[Y/n] had taken a different route that brought her to the restroom. She needed to wash her face to cool down. She did care about her next class, but she needed some time to calm her shit.

"Okay, let's see here- wait."

He squinted his eyes and looked around the class.

"Where's [Y/n]? Iida, I thought you said everyone is present."

Iida gasped. "I'm so sorry! I haven't notice!!" He repeatedly apologized to his teacher who only brushed it off.

He eyed the door after his ears picked up on footsteps outside the classroom.

"I'm sorry for my late arrival."

[Y/n]'s cold voice pierced the whole classroom. Momo snapped her pen into two with shaky hand. "[Y/n]! Are you okay?!" She didn't care the stares she got from her friends.

[Y/n] is her fucking sister and she didn't care about anyone looking at her as if she was insane.

She got up from her seat and ran towards the taller teen. "I'm okay! Everything is perfectly fine!!"

She hollered at the female. "Why are you lying?.." Momo whispered, clearly catching everybody's attention. "What if I lie?! There will be absolutely no difference!" She rapidly moved her arms around. Momo grabbed her wrist, causing her to wince in pain. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me.. Are you okay?"

[Y/n] knew Momo was the dominant here, so she shut her eyes tight and forcefully wriggled her hand out. She walked to her seat and looked down.

Momo apologized for the ruckus she created.

"So back to the topic. Summer break is nearing so please don't expect nothing to happen. We're going for a summer break forest lodge."

The class ignored the awkward silence and cheered together at the announcement.

Mina was chanting 'dares' non-stop, while Tsuyu was thinking about the beautiful fireworks. Iida's mind went to curry they're going to make. Mineta was silently screaming 'outdoor tubs' after feeling the killing stare [Y/n] gave to him- or everyone.

Conversation broke between the students and the class was buzzing with their loud voices.


"If any of you failed the end of term exam, you're going to get stuck in hell. Or school, whatever you call it."

Kirishima stood up from his chair and looked at his classmates with determination, Kaminari following him. "EVERYONE, LET'S DO OUR BEST!!!" "YEAAAAHHHH!!"

"Oh, and since there's two part of the exam."

Aizawa cut the teens off and flipped to another page. His eyes scanned the females' informations.

"There will be a new student going to do the test with you all, I think All Might explained that there's uneven numbers in the class right? So treat her well. And Mineta, I have a request for you."

Most students looked at him.

"Control your hormones. Ashido reported to me about you peeping on them. A teacher will also come and help us, so don't make her disgusted with you."

Some snickered at him, while some just stared into the air. He nodded and looked down.

End chapter 65

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