The Sacred Stairs

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"How can you walk all day? Aren't you tired?" [Y/n] asked the Pro Hero. They were walking side-by-side with Katsuki a few metres in front of them. "Of course I am. But as a Hero, it is my duty to keep the city safe. Though I have my own aim." He looked at her, as if asking a permission to continue. "I want to spread a sense of a peace to all people and believes heroes don't make excuses. Especially if they are not punctual." [Y/n] coughed hearing the last sentence as if it was directed to her. "And why do you love jeans so much? Probably because of your Quirk." He nodded and watched as Bakugo was trying his hard not to blow anyone.

"And I heard you call him by his first name." [Y/n] nodded and played with [P/Name]'s [Fur/Colour] fur. "I like his determination. No matter how many negative comments are thrown at him. He's strong." [Y/n] said, looking at the male. "I must agree with you. But what make people not see all of that is.." He sighed watching Bakugo teaching the kid how to throw the trash into the bin.

"Attitude." The two looked at eachother in shock. "I mean, some of my- or our classmates said that too. But I'm sure.. beneath that hothead, there must be something.. else!." She rubbed her neck, feeling rather embarrassed talking like that in front of him. "Oh by the way, are you going to train our Quirks? I mean, Katsuki's Quirk is.. out of my league?" He chuckled at the statement. "I'm thinking of no Quirk training will be better for you and him."

"Oh, oh and I like how you handle that villain! The one with horns and all. You're like.. whoosh and wheesh." Sticking her arm out, she tried to re-call the video that she watched a day after knowing her nominations. Thin strings of fabric came shooting out of her palm. Directing it to a nearby bush, she made sure to hook the fabric on some of the roses there. She hummed and retracted the string back to her. "Here!" She snapped off the spiky stems and give them to the hero.

"Kind of like that! And one of the villain threw flowers at you too. It was weird, don't you think?" Jeanist took the roses in his hand, using his Quirk to tie them together. "Yes, and truth to be told, those 'villains' are my fangirls." He sighed as a flashback of him beating them so they won't cause harm was like a nightmare.

"Fangirls these days are scary.."


A few hours later...

"Phew. I'm getting sticky already.." she mumbled and fanned herself. It was almost 6, and they were walking back to Best Jeanist's office. "You don't fucking say that to public, Chubby Girl." [Y/n] held a 'what' face at him. "Don't you have a better nickname. Like, seriously?" "You two, hurry up." Best Jeanist called, not wanting a fight to occur between the two.

"First, go change into casual cloths and meet me at the lobby." He instructed, nodding his head at his comrades. "Okay!"

"Are you.. Kidding me?!" [Y/n] groaned. "Why.. Why.." The damn elevator decided to not functioning when they were tired as hell! "We now have to use... the Sacred Stairs.." "Shut the fuck up and stop being so over dramatic." He slapped her back. "B-but just you look! The flickering lights.. The never ending stairs!.. And did you hear that ghos-" "Lalala I'm not hearing your bullshits." He covered his ears and started to climb on the stairs with her following behind.

She stopped talking when the air felt cold around them. "It-It's not even 7 yet! Don't come out!" She shouted to no one in particular. She grabbed onto his shirt from the back. "The hell?!" "Uhm since the lights are a bit crazy, I'll take a cautious step so I wouldn't fall..?" She nervously chuckled, hands gripped onto his shirt so tightly it might rip. "Tch, just hurry up and don't be a burden to me."

[I want to search for a scary sound effect but almost throw my tablet because they're showing weird-ass ghost.]

She nodded and tensed at the wind caressing her warm skin. "Hah? Are you scared by something that's not even rea-" His sentence was cut off when the lights were turned off. "B-blackout?!" Bakugo noticed how her body trembled violently. "Oi. You okay?" "N-nah I'm okay! I just.. h-hate this fucking darkness!" He sighed in annoyance. "Oi, take my hand." "H-huh?!" He clicked his tongue and grabbed her by her hand. "Calm down. If you're too scared just run down and scream like a fucking maniac."

He reassured and pressed both of her hands in his. "Okay now?" She let out a hum. "I'm gonna use my Quirk to make light." He informed. "I tell you this because I don't want you to scream like a child when there's explosion." His tone was dripping with smugness. He put his hand next to his face. Small pop sounds filled the air and explosion following soon. They were about to move when [Y/n]'s face paled. "What?" With shaky finger, she pointed towards his back. The thing behind his back opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth.

Out of reflex, both students put their palms on its face. "Eh?" The thing sounded confused by their action. Their faces were blank.


End chapter 55

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