A new sensei?!

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OCs belong to;

"I'm Reina Hamasaki, pleased to be acquaintances with you guys!"

It went quiet for a while. Until all of them started whispering. She looked tiny compared to them, she felt small under their gaze.


Aizawa shut them from talking any further seeing the girl's uncomfortable form fidgeting.

"So back to the topic,"

He said and the principal cleared his throat.

"You've all been graded! From how you move, your grades, and your degree of familiarity! We've all personally judged how you'll be pairing up based on many things, and we'll list the matchups right now."

"First starting, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu as a team!"

'Fuuuck he didn't mention which Yaoyorozu. Ehhh, but it's Momo since how he looked at her.'

[Y/n]'s eyes twitched seeing how her sister looked shock and scared. 'Bitch, you're a fucking Queen and I know you'll SLAAYYY.'

She cursed in her mind. As if Momo heard her, she gave a nervous thumbs up at the girl and a weak smile slowly forming on her lips.

Reina watched from afar. 'Momo-san and [Y/n]-san aren't bothered with them saying their family name?' But she knew not to interfere, and let it slide off from her mind.

"Will be against.. me."

"A-Aizawa-s-sensei?" Momo asked herself, already telling herself she had failed. She had failed herself and her pair, Todoroki.

"And Midoriya, you're with Bakugo."

Time froze like how the students did. "Kacchan-?" "Deku?!"

"Hamasaki, you're paired up with [Y/n]. I think you know how she looks so go by her side."

The petite female nodded before scurrying to the ravennette who waved at her.

"It's really nice seeing you again, Yaoy-"

"Not to be rude, but please call me [Y/n] so you won't get confused."

She softly whispered into her ear. Reina blinked and nodded.

"Alright then. Please call me Reina!"

She said as a beautiful smile decorated her already rosy cheeks, causing [Y/n]'s heart to squeeze at the sight.

'Cinnamon roll #3 detected!'

"Bakugo and Midoriya will be up against..."

"I am here... to oblige! Now cooperate.. and come at me.. wonder duo..!-"

"And I'll be you girls' opponent!"

A woman with waist length vibrant pink hair walked pass All Might, her white lab coat dancing behind her as she walked.

All Might coughed, catching her attention. "...I'm sorry but your introduction was a bit too long!!" She clapped her hands together in an apologetic manner.

The students let out shocked gasps. A certain pervert drooled and shrieked.



"I think Mineta just died.."

"She looks nice!"

"I hope she's not like Midnight-sensei.. with that body and all.."

The woman laughed hearing all their remarks at her. Brushing a few strands of her hair aside, she flashed them a sweet smile before slightly bowing.

"Hello, my name is Yuzuki Kiryuu, also known as the Pro Hero: Yuzuki! My Quirk is a secret though~ Nice to meet you students after hearing news about you guys!"

Mineta was revived by who knew. He raised up his hand while the other hand wiped his drool that was hanging on his chin.

"Se-sensei ar-"

"I'm engaged and my wedding ceremony will be on next month!"

Mineta's knees slowly sunk into the hard floor as if in slow motion. "Nooooooooooo!"

"I mean, I don't think you're her type. And you stand no chance at all, Mineta." Sero pat his head sympathetically, agreeing with Kaminari's words of truth.

"Well enough of this. The ten- I mean eleven teams will start in their respective stages simultaneously. The outline of the battle will be explained by the teachers you'll be battling."

"You're to be transported by the campus buses. Time is precious. So get in them promptly."

The words he uttered remind them of when they first met him. It was a sweet memory even though he showed up like a homeless hobo.

"I, the principal will be battling Kaminari and Ashido's team!"

They sent the two a pitiful look. Principal was the most cutest and softest looking teacher out of all, but they were not taught 'don't judge the book by its cover' for nothing.

"Hello! We meet again after all! I, Pro Hero: 13 is up against Uraraka and Aoyama!"

"I heard Jiro and the silent Koda is going to fight one of the greaaaatest hero out thereeee!!"

Present Mic shouted and pointed his thumb towards himself proudly.

"I wonder who."


"Asui and Tokoyami."

Cytoplasm looked at the two who nodded at eachother. "Yes, Cytoplasm-sensei."

"Hm~ Sero-kun and Mineta-kun."

Midnight whispered, raising her arms to show her (thankfully covered) melons to the world.

"Shoji and Hagakure, an unexpected duo I must say."

Snipe said and Hagakure walked to Shoji, giving eachother encouraging words.

"Come forward, Kirishima and Sato!!"

Kirishima and Sato fist bumped eachother and smirked, posing to show off their manliness.

"I'm Power Loader and I'll be fighting with the last two pair, last but not least, Iida and Ojiro."

End chapter 68

Sorry if your OCs were a bit OOC or not like you think it is.

My dumbass forgot Yuzuki-san's Hero Name.

And I don't know if snowyroses- mentioned which school Reina-san went to :D

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