Meeting the Hero

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The thought came rushing like a bus. "Oh shit. I'm going to die? This is too soon!! Oh. My. All. Might." She stared at the buttons, her head was spinning like crazy. A string of curses left her mouth. "Breath in.. breath out... BREATH, YOU FUCKER!!" She slapped her chest as if it could make her feel better. "Mew.. mew..!" She blinked and looked at her pocket, seeing the kitten was peeking its head out. "[P/Name]?" She gently picked up the little furball.

"Mew.. meww.." it started to lick her face, causing her to giggle like a highschool girl in love. Slowly, her panic was gone, all thanks to the small cutie. "Okay so now-" her phone rang, the [fav/music] ringtone echoed in the place. "Who might this be-? Katsuki!!" She shouted and quickly answered the phone.

"Katsuki-san where are you?"

"The fuck?! That's my question you idiot!! Where are you?!"

"Where's my hero costume? And I'm at level 1 right now!"

"Go to the top floor, and you fucking hurry up!!"

"Alri-" Before she could finish, he hung up on her. She put her phone back into the pocket and pressed the button. "My problem is solved!" She spun around to see a poster. "No drinks and food allowed? If it's my bag there's no problem! No... pets? Does a kitten count as pets?" She realized the mistake she had done. The door suddenly open, and the back of her collar was tugged by no other than the grumpy head, Katsuki. She was dragged by him to a restroom that had clearly said "Men". He threw her inside with her suitcase.

As he was about to close the door and maybe lock her in there forever, he felt a tap on his back. "What?" He looked at her hands. "W- What? Why? The hell is there a cat?!" He shouted. "Hey, this isn't a cat! It's a kitten-" Grabbing the animal, he pushed her back into the restroom and locked it so she wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Huh? What's his problem??" She asked herself, slowly opening the button of her blazer. Sliding it off her shoulders, she hung it somewhere she thought was clean, eventhough the place the was really clean. She actually regret drawing the costume, since how revealing it was. But she couldn't turn back time, so she had to endure it for a while and maybe change the design after the internship.

With a sigh, she quickly put on the skin tight suit. She was glad she asked for shorts, unlike Momo. Even [Y/n] didn't know if she wear her underwear or not. That's up to Momo. God, the Author was talking nonsense again, and she couldn't help but glared at the ceiling. How dare that woman talk about her sister like that?!

Done wearing other accessories, she was finally good to go! Her school shirt was nicely folded and was tucked in her bag. She knocked the door and waited for Katsuki to let her go.

"So, you're [Y/n]? I see that you're not punctual. We're going to fix that up this week." Best Jeanist eyed the two teenagers. "Though you two have some similarities.." He folded his arms. [Y/n], being a curious girl she was, asked. "I'll start from the top." She tilted her head in confusion.

"Messy hair." Both of them jolted when his office door was broke down by some guys. "Do you boys think they need some hair fixing?" "YES, BEST JEANIST!" From there, [Y/n] knew, she was going to get through hell. With the small devil himself.

The girl silently stared at the male spraying water at Bakugo's fluffy hair. It was the fourth bottle already, and Jeanist wasn't giving up the slightest. He will make sure both of his internships brought something home by the weekend.

"Another one, please." He ordered. Another bottle of water was handed to him. "I think.. you did it the wrong way.." Jeanist stopped doing his job for a while to stare at the girl. "Can- pff- Can I try?" "Bitch, I fucking dare y-" "Sure." Bakugo's eyes twitched as the bottle was given to the girl. She held back her grin, trying so hard to not laugh in front of him.

Oh, about [P/Name]? Best Jeanist apparently allowed it to be in his office since how obedient and clean it was. If only he knew the truth on where she found it, but [Y/n] zipped her mouth tightly. It was on top of her head, hissing at the sight of Bakugo. It seemed to hate him.

[Y/n] opened the lid of the bottle, shocking most guys there, including Best Jeanist himself, and put it on a tray next to her. She even created hair gel and a hair brush, so he better be thankful for her to do all this just for him. "Get ready, Katsuki-san~" She evilly whispered and brought the bottle on top of his head.

"Annnnd.... DONE!" She wiped off her sweat. Katsuki was shocked. His hair was.. EVERYTHING WAS SO WRONG! It was slicked to the side, showing off his forehead and somehow, he was in a really.. really tight jeans that could kill him any minute! [Y/n] dusted her hand and proudly looked at her creation.


"...." He noticed how her fingers twitched. "[Y/n] dear, calm down." "B-but his hair.. AFTER ALL THE HARD WORK!" She pouted her bottom lip. She gave in and let the man do his work back. "Boys, find her size." "Excuse me, but what?" Bakugo covered his mouth since he was laughing at how the colour of [Y/n]'s face drained in a second.

"You heard me, find your size so you can comfortably walk around." He clapped his hands as two guys held [Y/n] and started to drag her away.

End chapter 53

Let's pray for [Y/n].

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