Girls Can Be Hero Too!

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Had to republish because of some problem.

"Since [Y/n] arrived 30 minutes later than instructed, we have lost quite a lot of time today." Jeanist said, looking at the two. Their hair was perfectly combed by the hero and was forced to wear tight jeans. [Y/n] almost die because the lack of air when trying one of the jeans. "It is 11 right now. We're going out for a patrol." Bakugo's head snap up when hearing that. "D-Do I have to w-wear t-this?" [Y/n] gasped. "I see that you're having trouble with that.." he instructed her to stand up.

"Boys, measuring tape." One of the side kicks quickly searched for one and handed it to him. "I'll take the measuring and have a tailor make one for you." [Y/n] nodded, feeling grateful to have such a nice pro her- "But your training will be doubled." Her soul slowly left her body.

"I actually have a little regret not choosing Endeavor's.. and I can meet Shoto everyday too.." [Y/n] mumbled, walking behind the boy. He apparently heard that and clenched his fists. "Oh yeah? Do you like that Elsa so much?!" He growled and stomped. "I don't know. Some girls did say I like him. Weird." She carefully shrugged as [P/Name] was on her shoulder. "Tch." He quickly walked in front of her, leaving her. "[P/Name]. I thought only girls are complicated. Boys are too?" She whispered to her little kitten. "Meow.." "I'll take that as a yes."

"Haha! Look at that lady!!" She heard a couple of kids laughing behind her. She spun around. "What's the problem?" She nicely asked, only to be laughed at again. "You talked with your pet!! So weird!!" A tick mark appeared on her face. 'Okay.. Kiki said I need to be nice to kids.. You can do this..' she encouraged herself and ran to the boy. "I can't scold those brats.. better run." She whispered to herself, looking back at them, only to find them running at her.

"Oooh, the lady has a friend!!" One of them cooed. "Ehhh, isn't that blondie a guy in the U.A Sports Festival?!" A bald kid with a little hair shouted in amazement. "And that lady too!! Eventhough she looked old!!" [Y/n] almost choked herself. "Ex-fucking-cuse me, I'm tall and not old. Watch your mouth!" She waved her index finger in front of them. "She even curse!! Haha so unlady like!!" She nudged Bakugo who was thinking about they're one of his fans.

"He was caught by a villain and looked like he was about to cryyy!!" The bald kid shouted again. He pushed [Y/n] out of the way. His hair poof back to its original state and he balled his fist. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" The kids somehow started to sniffle. "Katsu- stop that! They're going to cause a mess!" [Y/n] quickly warned, seeing their eyes were shiny from the tears. "Hik.. hik.." Best Jeanist, who was watching the whole thing spoke up. "Did you already forget what I taught you? Deal with them properly." He turned back to look at him, letting the girl did the work.

"H-HERE! Take a look at this!" She quickly took the small kitten into her hands. "Uwaaaaaa!!" They started crying. "Kikiiii..." [Y/n] groaned, trying to remember the woman's technique to make children stop crying. She put the small animal on her hair and shoved her hand into a small bag located on her waist. "Here, have some lollipops!" She handed them the colourful candies. "B-but mommy said we can't take stuff from strangers!" A glasses kid said. "Y-you might kidnap us!! Mama will be so sad!"

'Okay. Overprotective mothers these days.. they're making my life worse!!' She tried to smile. "I'm not a stranger!" She said, hands still holding the sweets. "I'll be the number one hero! So this will be a gift from me." They stopped crying and looked at eachother. "Hahahah!! A woman can not be number one hero!!" Another group of kids laughed, coming closer to the ravennette.

"What?" Because she in a crouching position, she was on eye level with them. "You heard me! A woman can NOT be number one hero!" The kid with a red ball repeated. "Why?" [Y/n] asked curiously. "Because they're WEAK! Just like Mae-chan!" He pointed towards a girl. She blushed as the attention went to her and started stuttering. "Uh-uhm-uhm I'm M-Maemi!" "You see that! She's weak!" [Y/n] sighed and put her hand on top of the kid's gray hair. "You.. better.. take.. that.. back.." She whispered to the boy's ear, sending chills up his spine.

"I won't, she'll just come back to me crying! That's why she can't be a hero!" He proudly stated. "I'm talking about.. Females in the world. Not focused only on Maemi-chan." The girl blushed again hearing her name being called by a 'stranger'. "[Y/n]." The said girl cursed under her breath. "And this guy right here," she jabbed her thumb at the male behind her.

"Wasn't caught by the villain. This is why you should pay attention to your surroundings, right?" "Riiiight!" Surprisingly, all of them answered her. "I was just thinking how to beat him!" He roared. "I'd won if I fight that guy.. as I'm the man who will be the number one hero!!" Sounds of crickets filled the awkward air.

"But, this nee-san over here said the same thing too!"

End chapter 54

Oh god guys.. I'm creating random OCs that I will soon love :')

Maemi is my daughter, thank you.

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