💭Hansu-cake (◕ω◕✿)💭

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[OC chapter, you can skip]

Before we start, the picture above is how I imagine Hansuke (except with red hair) looks like. It's up to you though :3

He's a softie and cute.. I guess?

Now on to the story...

"I heard they're opening a new bakery."

[Y/n] started off while checking on her small bag, which contained a book and pen, her phone and some yen left. Her hand dug deeper into the bag, feeling her fingers touched a certain thing.

"Aha, here it is."

"[Y/n] don't tell me it's your parent's credit card-"

She pulled out a shiny metalic gold card from the bag while smirking triumphantly. She waved it in the air before showing it in front of the unamused male.

"We're celebrating."

"I'm gonna get fired, am I?"

"Come on, it's right inside the mall you wanted to go since five minutes ago!"

He grabbed her shoulder and fist the air.

"If my Lady insists! I shall celebrate my-"

She threw her bag in his hand, causing him to stop mid sentence. The two continued their short walk into the mall.

"It's at level three!"

[Y/n] walked towards the stairs and without feeling any shame, she put her hand on the handle (?) and took a deep breath.

"[Y/n] I DARE YOU!"

He whisper shouted and looked around if anybody's looking at them. The line was clear, which surprised him since how packed the place was.

Looking at the elevator, he saw the reason why the staircase was empty.

"Let it go...!~ Let it go....!~ Can't hold it back any~more~"

He face palmed himself while laughing his ass off.

She started climbing the flight of stairs in a fast speed, probably to make sure nobody saw her [insert compliments here] face.

He was running right behind her, and was ready to help if the customers were to report them for causing a scene-

She continued singing his favourite song of all time, with him humming along while laughing.

End chapter 72.5

This isn't really part of the story, btw :3

«Momo's Twin» Book 2✔Where stories live. Discover now