Wild Wild Pussycats!

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"Where are class B going?" [Y/n] yawned a little. Aizawa tucked his hands in his pockets.

"To say there's no ulterior move is a lie..." He said to the whole class. "What does that mean?!" Mineta screamed while holding his pants in order not to pee there. "Long time no see, Eraser! It's been so long!"

"With sparkling eyes, we rock on!" The first female with dark purple-ish hair started. "Cute, cat stinger!" The blonde continued, "The wild wild pussycats!!" Together, they posed and blinked to the class. [Y/n]'s eyes went straight to their fluffy tails that were swaying as they moved.

"I'd like to introduce you to the professional heroes, wild wild pussycats." He said. Midoriya's eyes started sparkling so everyone took a step back, excluding Aizawa because he's too lazy to move. "TH EY 'VE GO T   TWELVE  Y EA RS  OF  EX PERI ENCE   O N   THEM!"  The blonde hero slapped her soft paws on to Midoriya's face, shutting him down immediately. "I'VE GOT 18 IN MY HEARTU!" She shouted.

"This place is more or less our domain!" The other hero stated, ignoring her friend basically cutting the boy's oxygen. "The place where you're staying will be at the mountain's base, right over there." She pointed using her index to the mountains. Some gasped and some winced.

"Huh? Then why.. are we here?" Uraraka started, her other self was screaming at her telling her to run away from those two. "I mean.. LET'S GO BACK TO THE BUS.." Sero's voice wavered seeing the smiles on the heroes.

"It's 9:30.. If you kick high gear.. It'll be around 12." Kirishima started to sweat hearing that. "The kittens that came later than 12 will not be given foo-!" Before she could continue, a girl started running towards her. Having her guard up, she shielded herself, only to find the girl was running past her. "Eh-"

Putting her hands on the metal/wood fence, she swung her feet over them, feeling gravity started working again. She sucked a deep breath before letting herself to fall.

Momo who was at the back earlier, pushed past everyone, shouting some 'sorry's and 'excuse me's at them. She ran to where her sister had thrown herself, and was about to look down. She was about to put her hands on the railings. But poor Momo, there's no railings so she pretty much tripped herself and fell along with [Y/n] while screaming.

"I know this isn't the time but YAOYOROZU'S PANTIES IS BLAC-" Mina kicked Mineta in the stomach, causing him to cry out in pain because he couldn't keep himself from peeing. The impact from her kicking him sent him flying just right above the hero's head and in to the woods.

"U-uh.." Mandalay, the hero looked at Aizawa with confused face. He sighed, knowing this would happen, except the flying Mineta part. "I'm sorry everyone.." The blonde hero, crouched and put both of her palms on the ground, activating her Quirk, causing it to shake. "DAsHI RUn RUN RU-"


"..but your school trip starts now." He plainly stated and watched as all of his students were covered with dusts and sand (or ground) and was sent over the edge.

"FEEL FREE TO USE YOUR PERSONALITIES IN THIS AS YOU SEE FIT! YOU HAVE THREE HOURS! USE YOUR FEET TO THE FACILITY!" She shouted one last time before they disappeared into the thick layers of leaves below.


A few minutes before..

"[Y/n] why do you like to be so impatient about food?!" She screamed to herself and started to crawl, realizing she had just twisted her ankles from the unplanned landing.

"KYaaaaAAAAAA......!!!" [Y/n] looked up, knowing whose voice was that. Her eyes widened as Momo was flailing her arms around, panicking. "MOMO TRY LANDIN-" Momo's body came crashing against her back, a loud groan escaping [Y/n]'s mouth as pain started spreading in her body rapidly. Momo gasped before she prying herself from her pained sister by trying to stand up.

"H-hah.. HAH! THAT.. Hurts like a.. Bitch!" She rolled on her back and spread her legs, not caring if the dirt was going to stain her grey school jacket. Momo looked down and mumbled out an apology. "I-I'm sorry.."

"N-no problem.. But I can't stand up..!" Momo hurriedly went to her sister's aid. "Thanks-" "YAOYOROZZZUUUUUU!!!" [Y/n] looked up for the second time, this time eyes narrowing and she quickly made a simple spin so he couldn't touch her. "Augh..."

"You smell like piss." "Y-yeah.. I was holding it in for too long.." He said in a calm voice, causing the two teenagers to stare at him with wide eyes. "Don't tell me.." The place started to smell really weird and unsettling.


"Another fall?!" [Y/n] looked up, this time, not only one, but all of her classmates. She grabbed her sister's wrist before sprinting with her sprained ankles- which made her slower- but at least they're safer than being squished by their classmates.

End chapter 79

Aye. Season three here I come.

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