Problems Everywhere

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This chapter will mostly be in Shoji's point of view.

They had received Mandalay's message. [Y/n] coughed as smokes managed to get into her lungs. Both boys somehow were able to stand it, with Tokoyami having his.. beak and Shoji having a mask over his face. "[Y/n] I think you should make a mask to cover your nose, your cough is getting violent each second.."

"I-I can't c-concentrate!" She said in between her gasps and cough. "I-I need concentration..! T-to m-make it work!" She wheezed.

"Haha.. Look at you.."

[Y/n]'s eyes widened at the new voice. She whipped up her head, looking at woman on a tree branch, staring back into her soul. "So fragile.. so weak.." she continued, swinging her legs around like a kid. "Who are you?" Shoji asked, covering his friends from the woman's eyesight.

"Hey, why are standing there like a statue? You're not on my list! Scatter!" She snapped her fingers, commanding the male to get away from her sight. "I'm not moving until you leave." He replied, getting himself in a fighting stance. "Huh?" She tried snapping her fingers again. Noticing how the boys were not affected by her Quirk, she laughed.

"I don't care about you weirdos! I'm talking to the wh OrE herself!" Dark Shadow popped out of his master's body. "You.. DARE TO SAY THAT TO [Y/N]?!" It screeched, causing the woman to hysterically laugh again. "A bird want to fight with me? You'll be a roasted chicken before you realize it!" She moved her bangs from her face, showing off her crazed eyes that made the three/four's stomachs to churn. "I don't care about killing any of you, really. Especially.. my dear, Lady [Y/n]~" She cooed at the girl who was staring at her in shock.

"Eh~ Don't my Lady remembers me?" She playfully asked, pretending hurt from the lack of response she got from the girl. "How could you! And I was the one taking care of you when you were such.. a little brat..~" She giggled maniacally and with one last swing of her legs, she threw herself of the branch.

"Let me introduce myself." She landed the ground gracefully. "The name is Gas. My Quirk? No need to know." She smirked seeing something clicked in the girl's mind. "Are you one of the villains?" Tokoyami said, his voice small, trying his best not to go wild in the darkness so he wouldn't harm the innocents.

"Eh. Nope. Those low villains have other things to do. They erase this 'dirt' called heroes while I.." The boys were forcefully pushed out of her way causing both of them to stumble back. "Delete this thing called humanity's trash.. like her.." The woman stood proud and tall in front of the girl. Being a few inches taller than [Y/n] made the girl had to look up to see her face.

"S-Says the bitch h-herself!" [Y/n] choked out, spitting on her face. Shoji and Tokoyami was about to interfere when the woman that called herself as Gas pushed a red button on her belt, a wave of gas coming out of some holes. The other two coughed, the gas making contact with their skin. They closed their eyes, then hearing some muffled screaming.

Shoji was the first one to open his eyes back. He gasped seeing his bird friend clutching to his stomach, or where Dark Shadow would be. "S-Shoji..." He croaked, using one of his eyes to look at his friend who was looking at him, worried. "R-Run... Please.. I-I beg you...!" Shoji managed to dodge when Dark Shadow was about to attack him. "Tokoyami, calm dow-!"

He dodged another one. And another. In the end he had to hide in one of the bushes when Dark Shadow managed to cut one of limbs, his blood spurting out.

"Aizawa-sensei had authorized us to fight..." Shoji looked at his bloodied limb. "But I can't fight my own friend.. can I?" A bundle of white thing caught his eyes. "Wh.. what's that...?" He moved carefully so the raging bird near him wouldn't hear him. "A bandage? Whose-" He blinked, seeing [Y/n]'s name on the box part in the middle. "[Y/n] Yaoyorozu's...? [Y/n] is a.. Yaoyorozu..?"

"We've identified the villains' target! The student named 'Kacchan'! Whoever this 'Kacchan' is, please avoid from any combat and solo movements!! Got it, 'Kacchan'?!"

Mandalay's voice rang in everybody's heads. Shoji was on high alert as he heard a few footsteps coming his way. 'I-Is that Midoriya?!' He rushed to his friend after realizing Dark Shadow was about to attack the beaten up boy who was walking around clueless.

He explained on why Tokoyami's Quirk went crazy. Midoriya was listening throughout the thing, nodding at some sentence.

"G-Get away from M-mE!!" Both boys' eyes went to the male who was already tearing up at the rush of energy he was feeling because of his quirk. "Y-YOU'LL DIE!!"


"Guh.. DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!! RUN!" He screamed, tears streaming down his face, the darkness wasn't helping one bit. "DARK SHADOW.. CALM YOURSELF..!!" His order was ignored by the shadow that was crushing every thing it saw. "W-wait.. Wh-where's [Y/n]? D-don't t-tell me.." Midoriya panicked, seeing one of his best friends weren't with her group.

"She's went missing?!"

End chapter 88

Yeah, I realized I just put a new villain in Moonfish's place.

But I'm not regretting it, I have a certain idea..

Though Tokoyami.. I'm freaking crying.. He's such a good character. How couldn't I realize it earlier?!

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