Visitor, New Friends.

903 31 16


Her face was met with the oh so shiny hospital floor. Bakugo managed to save the heart rate monitor before it could fall alongside with her. She groaned in pain and flopped to her back. "My noooose!" She said, squeezing the bridge of her nose. Bakugo inwardly panicked seeing the crimson blood running down her cheek. "I'm calling the doctors so you better say there, or I'll kill your sorry ass." He warned and walked past her to punch the emergency button next to her bed.

5 minutes later..

"Where the fucking fuck are the nurses?!" He screamed, frustrated. "Pick me, pick me, pick me up." [Y/n] lazily sang at the fuming male and waved her hands in the air. "Tch." He walked towards the girl and crouched. "Eh?" He slid his one arm on her back and one under her knees. She closed her eyes, ready to fall back on the floor. "W-WAIT I'M HEAV-" [Y/n] grabbed his shirt, and was ready to pull him along with her- if she fall- but she didn't. Slowly opening one eye, she looked at his face. "You're fucking heavy.."

A tick mark appeared on her forehead. "And soft.." Bakugo was glad she didn't hear it since how low his voice was, and because she was screaming saying how rude he was and to put her back down. The nurses soon came rushing in.

"[Y/N]-NEE-SAN!!" A voice echoed in the hallways. "The fuck was that?" Bakugo asked himself, stretching his body after putting [Y/n] back in her bed. "Like I kno-" For the second time of the day, the door was broke down and a nurse sighed from afar. "[Y/n]-chan.." A male mumbled out guilty. "Takashi-san. Good morning." [Y/n] bowed in respect for the man. "G-good morning nee-san.." a small girl looked down and mumbled. She was fiddling with her small fingers, hiding behind the male's legs. "And who might you be?"

She gasped loudly and shoved her father out of her way, causing him to stumble a little to the side. "I-I-I'm Maemi! T-the girl you saved! Don't you remember?!" She croaked as tears filled her bright pink eyes. They had a staring contest and [Y/n] stiffled a laugh. "Of course I do! Come here..! uh, Mae-chan? I hope you're not angry I call you that? I mean your BFF calls you that.." [Y/n] said, opening her arms since the pain was slowly dying.

The girl leapt into them and hummed at the older female's slightly cold body. "Oh, and I don't mind you calling me that! And Tsubasa-kun isn't my bestfriend.." [Y/n] nodded. "..anymore! I cut my ties with him so we're done!" She happily stated at the shocked trio. "I'm done with him ordering me around! I'm not a doggy, I'm Maemi! I don't like his uh.. bad attitude!"

"Uh.. isn't that a bit too much?" The pinknette asked his little girl and attempted to remove her from [Y/n]'s embrace. "Nope. He's selfish and looks down everybody. He doesn't appreciate his beautiful wings or his friends!" Maemi huffed and ignored her father's calls.

"But.. there's something I'm thankful to him.." She blushed. "He.. he made me open my eyes to the world of Heroes..! And m-my f-first hero is not Papa.." Takashi smiled knowingly but his eyes were tinted with sadness hearing his own daughter spitting the words out of her mouth. "But Hiromi, or as Papa said, [Y/n]-nee-san!"

"I'm your hero..?" Maemi nodded enthusiastically. Her father picked her up and set her on the floor.

"Though, do heroes scream profanities when they're saving citizens?"



[Y/n] stretched her body and sighed. "Finally, out of this place.." she mumbled and tightened her shoelace. Bakugo and the Hisako's had went home hours ago, and it was almost 8 p.m. They suggested her to stay until tomorrow since Bakugo had to do some work with the Best Jeanist himself, and with the villains lurking around at night worried most doctors for her safety. Especially since her skin was still sensitive from the previous incident.

She just shrugged it off, saying she'll be 'just fine' and there was nothing to worry about. Waving to some of the nurses that have brought her food for the day, she left the hospital.

"Huh, why must it be so quiet when I'm alone?" She gripped on her bag straps and continued walking. She was glad Bakugo packed some stuff for her so she could protect herself. 'Or is it just to-' She stopped in her tracks when a clinking sound was heard near her. "Who... Who's there?" Like any stories, she walked to the place, only the moon's light accompanying her.

"Oh, hey.." She peeked from the wall to see a girl in a school uniform.

"Are you okay?" She stepped in, carefully watching her step so she wouldn't touch any of the gross garbage. "Ah~ I'm okay. Just waiting for my friend." She smiled cheekily, showing of her little fangs.

[Y/n] frowned seeing some trickle of blood on her mouth to chin. She checked her bag to see a white handkerchief, just what she needed. Taking the girl's hand, she put the piece of cloth into it. "Eh?" She seemed clueless. "Use it to wipe your blood okay?" She pointed at her chin. "Now, bye!" She waved and ran away.

Looking back at the handkerchief, the female grinned. The blood wasn't hers...

"Dabi-kun is getting slower in disposing bodies.." Whining, she walked into the darkness.

End chapter 61

Guess who?

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