RIP Minoru, the pervert.

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All might greeted the students happily with his signature smile. "I wonder what we're doing here." Uraraka mumbled while trying to hide her body since how tight her costume was. "Probably some test or something. To see any improvements." She jumped from her spot when [Y/n] came standing next to her.

"Daaaamn.. Why don't you look at that, Ochako! Her body is so-"

Before her other self could continue, she slapped her own face. [Y/n]'s eyes widened a bit. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked with worry lacing her voice. Uraraka took a big step back when she saw [Y/n] was about to put her hand on her shoulder. "I-I.. I'M SORRY [Y/N]!!" She shouted and ran to a random direction. [Y/n] silently stared at her friend running away. "Why is she.. scared of me?"

[Y/n] blinked her tears quickly before anybody would notice. But someone did, and that was, "Todoroki-san? Why are you h.. here?" Her lips formed a thin line as the male eyed her from her ruined hair and feet. "What happened just now." He asked or more like, demanded an answer from the female. "Nothing." She felt her heart racing when the male's eyes didn't leave her form alone. "Okay. I'm not going to force you." He said and walked to the other classmates.

"I'm glad Todoroki-san isn't a nosy person.."

She inwardly sighed and looked at her classmates walking up on a stage. A big screen was displayed with Midoriya, Iida, Sero, Ashido and Ojiro's names. Throwing her thoughts away, she caught up to her class.

"Next group is going to beeeee...
Young Mineta, Young Yaoyorozu, Young [Y/n], Young Kirishima, Young uh, Tokoyami and Young Bakugo! We'll do all six of you since the class' uneven numbers!" He declared, feeling glad it was already the last group before he could wrap it up for the day.

All six students went to the starting line and did some warming up exercise, with [Y/n] covering Momo from other guys' sights since they were the only girls there. Especially since how revealing her costume was.


With All Might's declaration, they all started moving.

[Y/n] ran alongside Momo who was panting a bit. 'Sorry Hanta-kun, might need to use your move!'

She directed her palms to one of the big tubes (?) before thin strings of fabric came shooting out of them.

"Oh I heard that [Nickname] went to Best Jeanist's! So cool!" Kirishima yelled to himself while watching his best friend's move, feeling a bit motivated to do his best too.

[Y/n] tugged on them, making sure they have been tied around the giant thing. She was impressed she could control the string, but oh well, that's a plus. Stopping in her tracks, she took a deep breath before quickly retracting the object, also jumping at the same time. Her classmates were shocked, the thing was, the string was really thin they couldn't see from the camera's view. It made it look as if she was flying.

Momo awed at her sister, pacing up to catch on with the others while looking around to see a solution on how to arrive to the other side without hurting herself and Quirk overusing. Both [Y/n] and her knew the pain of overuse, so they tried their best so they could avoid that from happening.

[Y/n] let out a squeak as she landed on the metal in Tsuyu's crouching style. It was slippery as hell! Midoriya had already slipped, so she had to be more careful not wanting the same incident to happen.

Bakugo's explosions hurt her ears, she knew he was right behind her so she started running again, in the meantime, she made sure to stabilise herself.



[Y/n] screamed, eyes not leaving her target, which All Might who was standing proud and tall at the rooftop.

With her hair already stuck that way, she didn't want anything else to stick on her. Mineta, the lucky grape boy was running on the building next to her while gripping on one of his balls.


He screamed and threw the small thing, thinking he was going to be the winner when a baseball bat hit him right on the face with his ball. Blood spurted out from his nose and he fell to the ground.


Most of her classmates asked seeing he was out of the screen.

"Dark Shadow!"
"Aye aye!"

Tokoyami was glad for his friend, or Quirk had sharp eyes and was able to notice [Y/n]'s weakness. Dark Shadow attacked her wrist when she was about to shoot more strings, causing her to snap her head to the male while making a pained face.

[Y/n] hurriedly took out her phone- which magically appeared from her pocket and opened it.

"What is she doing?!"

Everyone asked with a shocked face.

She raised up the brightness of her phone, causing her to scrunch her nose and closed her eyes.


She shouted and showed her phone to the birdie. It screamed in pain and vanished back into its master's cloak.


She turn off the blinding gadget before looking back at her goal. She smirked before propping herself in the air, and opened her arms. All Might panicked but caught her right in his arms when she fell.

"A-and the winner is Young [Y/n]! W-what an unexpected way.."

She was given the prize before all other students came panting, looking down in defeat- except Katsuki.

End chapter 64

Heyyyy~ I made up this scene so please forgive me if it's rushed/shitty/weird asf.

:3 thanksies for reading~

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