Earth Beasts Down!

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"[Y-Y/n] why are we running?!" Momo wheezed, not being able to pick up with her sister that was running frantically in front of her. "This place seems d-aAaaNGEROUS!" She screamed as she was thrown in the air by a weird monster that came from the ground. "[Y/N]!!!!"

With Aizawa

"Oof, guess my little monsters went overboard!" The second hero laughed while holding her stomach. A kid scoffed, saying how stupid she was. The trio watched as a girl with black hair was starting to fall back in the forest but was caught by earth dragons. They roared and started fighting, and [y/n] was seen on top of one of them, holding its scales for dear life.

With [Y/n]

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Her body felt lighter as she was thrown by the monster. She didn't really care to pull down her skirt because she was panicking and didn't want to arrive to her destination with broken bones, that if she could get down and continue her walk.

Her eyes widened when a few flapping sounds and roaring were heard behind her. "DON'T TELL ME THEY CAN FLY TOO!" suddenly she was slowly stopping in the middle of the fucking sky. "NOT NOW, GRAVI-"


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She was diving head first. She's gonna die.

But luckily, a hard-ass weird dragon caught her, making her headbutted with the monster. "Agh!" Her body landed on top of the dragon's face, causing its eyes to move to look at her. "H-Hi?" The dragon flared its nostrils and jerked its face causing [Y/n]'s position to change. She was still sitting on the dragon, this time on its head. This made her to find a stabilizer, which was the scales because the dragon somehow didn't have horns like the usual dragons.

"HOLY SHIT THERE'S MORE?!" It nodded as if it could understand her, causing her grip on the scales to tighten, too afraid to fall down. "I... I'm going to help you to.. Kill or whatever.. them!" She slapped its head gently in a patting manner.

"THERE!" It whipped its head to the left before spitting out dirt, taking down the first monster that actually reminded [Y/n] of Nomu. "Below you- or us!" She shouted and wobbled when the dragon stomped on the other weird creatures using its.. feet. This continued until there's only one more dirt monster left. The two were exhausted, [Y/n] was screaming instructions for hours and the dragon was crushing everything that was instructed by the female.

It was already 5, according to [Y/n]'s prediction seeing the sun was already setting. "Behind us.." her strained voice said and the dragon swung its tail at the last monster. She sighed, exhausted. "My little dragon.. Let's fly right over there.." She whispered with a tired and soft voice. It let out a small hum/growl before slowly flapping its brownish wings and carefully started to fly down while in the same time, making sure [Y/n]'s unharmed.

They landed with a loud thud, shaking the land below them. It slowly combined itself with the dirt, causing [Y/n] to fall oh not so gracefully. "Thank you for the.. ride.." she knocked and let her back faced the ground. She love the orange hue on the sky, it's calming her for no reason. The place was so quiet she could hear bird chirping in the distance- if you ignore the sounds of her classmates crying in the woods- and some cool and gentle breeze hitting her face.

"Oh my! There's someon-"

"Nani. Why is she sleeping?"

"This is normal for her to do, you can ignore her if you want." Aizawa said and used his scarf to wrap around her worn out body. He dragged her to a building and leaned her on the wall. "Okay, let's just hope those kids can make it before night time." Mandalay laughed and crouched down to look at [Y/n]'s facial. "Huh. I think I've seen this girl before..?" A little boy with spiky black hair walked up to the older female and also inspected her face.

"...looks like shi-"

"Kota I dare you to say that word."


The woman glared at the kid, before softening her eyes. "I swear, Kota.. You need to stop acting like you're an adult sometimes." She chuckled at his bewildered expression.

"Fiiiiiinally! You have arrive!" Pixie Bob sang out teasingly to the tired out students. "Our standard's 3 hours, sorry if it's too hard!"

"So it was just for boasting...!"

"I'M DYING OUT OF STARVATION!!" Kirishima yelled and a tear slid down his almost sunken cheek.

"Though, I thought you'd take longer to figure out how to beat my earth beasts so quickly and easily. Especially you five.." she pointed towards Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Bakugo and Momo.

"The girl with ponytail was rushing and practically destroying everything in her way. I don't know what you're looking for but congrats on being one of the earliest! And for you boys, you have this.. lack of hesitation and indecisiveness! I take it that it comes from your experiences you have acquired?" She ranted, looking at the five. I mean, four since Momo ran past the female to her sister when she was blabbering.

"[Y/n]?" She whispered, cupping her sister's cheeks gently, inspecting the bruises and some burn marks on her palms.

"Oh and you!" Pixie Bob's aura changed. "How did you manage to control my earth dragon?!" She pointed to the sky.

"EH?! THAT WAS [Y/N]?!?"

End chapter 80

uwu love you

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