Too much drama

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Aizawa rip the paper into two before crumbling it, throwing it into the dustbin. "The trip location will likely be changed, and we're still waiting for them to decide. We'll have to wait, I guess." Some students groaned at his announcement.

"I know this is out of my character but why the hell are you wearing a scarf in the classroom, [Y/n]?" Aizawa asked as eyes turned to the back of the classroom where a girl was practically nesting her face into the warm scarf.

"Says the person who is wearing that thick thing on his neck almost 24/7." She fired back, causing some- cough cough Kaminari and Sero cough cough- to whistle. "Right. Forget that I ask."

"You should've killed that man, even if breaking one or two bones." Bakugo bluntly said, his back facing Midoriya.

"Midoriya-chan doesn't need to break anymore bones to be honest, kero."

Tsuyu shot a look at Bakugo who scoffed in response. "Tch, figured you like that damn nerd." Tsuyu tilted her head in confusion and croaked. "I bet you like [Y/n]." She retorted and [Y/n] stared at the two with no interest whatsoever.

"But [Y/n] likes Todoroki-kun!"

The said girl's eyes widened as heads turned to her in shock. "What the hell, Toru?!" A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. She didn't have the opportunity to go to Recovery girl's office to heal herself so the piece of clothing was covering her bruise, but damn it was hot as hell.

"Oh yeah, y-you did send Todoroki-kun a l-love letter."

"I DID.. WHAT?!"

"You didn't deny it!!"


Momo slammed her forehead on her desk and hands trembling. She could feel [Y/n]'s patience was thinning, and could blow any second. But that wasn't the only thing she felt. '[Y/n] likes.. Todoroki-san..?' She felt.. sad. As Hagakure said, she didn't deny it.

"Shut up! Toru, I told you, I don't like him!" The class watched as the two bicker and Aizawa sighing loudly.

"Does this happen often?" Reina whispered, eyes darting at the two girls practically shouting at eachother. "Actually, no. Especially [Y/n]. She's not the type of person who starts the fight." Shoji answered based on his daily observation.

"I did this for you!"

"Did what?! You can't decide my future, Toru!!!"

"Well, says the one who's not doing anything to improve in socialising! Sad to say, but your future will not be that good if so!"

[Y/n] gritted her teeth and stomped towards the girl who backed away slowly.

"You don't know my life problems at all! SO DON'T ASSUME STUFF!!"

She raised her hand, ready to slap the shit out of her-

When Momo caught her wrist. [Y/n] didn't budged when Momo was digging her nails into her flesh, still glaring at the see through girl. Blood seeped from her skin, dripping on to the floor and that's when Aizawa knew to step in.

Aizawa hurriedly walked away from the teacher's podium and walked towards the trio, with some students also rising from their seats.


"No! Momo, she's taking things WAY TOO FAR! People like her need a fucking lesson!"



Using her wrist to spin the girl to face her, Momo's unoccupied hand was slapped across her cheek.


A heavy silence fell among the students and teacher. Momo realized her action, gasping and slowly letting go of her bloodied wrist. Her nails were also painted with crimson blood, causing her to panic.

[Y/n] hugged herself, body shaking. Her body felt- cold. Having her best friend hate her was too much. Having her sister slapping her in front of everybody?

"Why does h-history repeats itself?"

"[Y-Y/n] stop talking n-nonsense!!"

"Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Ignore me!"

"[Y/n]-san try staying calm!" Reina shouted from the crowd of students. She saw how [Y/n]'s eyes turned dull.

The [2nd/favourite/colour] scarf slid off from her neck. She let them be, feeling all of her energy was drained by an unknown force.

"W-what's wrong with your f-face?" Momo's face scrunched seeing a hand print on her neck and some small bruises on the sides of her cheek as if someone had harshly grabbed her face and choked her.

"[Y/n] y-you're hurt from the mall incident?" Everyone gasped at the new information.

"Stop giving me sympathy.. I despise it.."

She mumbled, her consciousness slowly fading away. She felt Aizawa's scarf wrapped around her body before she fell into the darkness.

End chapter 74

I love writing drama. Aye.

You hate it? Well I hate myself too.

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