Ugh.. Boys!

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"You poor thing..." [Y/n] whispered and tried to reach for it, only to have it run to its mother's back. "Come on.. I'm not going to hurt you.." She cooed softly and tried again, this time, as if the little kitten understood what she said, it slowly reach her hand and sniffed it. She set aside her flashlight to craddle the small creature in her arms. "Is that your mommy- the heck am I talking to an animal."

The little kitten buried itself deeper into her arm as it loved the warmth [Y/n] gave off. "I'm going to call you.. [P/Name]! Do you like it?" It meow in response and she too it as a 'yes'. "[P/Name] it is! Now I'm going to die soon if I stay here any longer-" [Y/n] stopped in mid sentence seeing the kitten staring at her. "U-uh.." The eyes started making her felt guilty. "Okay!.. I-I'll bring you with me.."

She mumbled. Creating a small handkerchief to wrap the little furry, she took out every snacks in her special pocket to make space for it. "There! Just going to put them here.." she shoved them in her bag, along with her flashlight since it had no use to her anymore. She looked at the dead cat once again, before standing up from her crouching position. She dusted herself and spun around, only to see three males standing a few metres from her.

She internally groaned and screamed inside her head. She covered the small kitten so they couldn't see it. "What do you guys want?" She asked with venom lacing her tone. "Feisty. Just how I like it." The 'leader' said, licking his lips. "Ew, no." A tick mark appeared on his face. "Hey girl- hear me out. Let's just go out and have fun~" A sudden realization hit one of his minions. "Hey.. Isn't that.. U.A's school uniform?!" He shouted. "Well, duh. Took you long enough." [Y/n] knew she wouldn't regret boasting about it. Let those shit know who they're messing with.

"Oh? Even better." [Y/n] sucked a deep breath. 'Bitch are you kidding me? Wtf?!' She stared at the male in pure disgust. "How old are you three?" She asked with no interest, but she needed the information. "I'm 26. That skinny guy is 26 too and this shorty is 25." [Y/n] raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even legal yet." Those three seemed shocked. "W-wh-what?!" "You-you gotta be kidding!" The leader didn't seem to give up though.

"I'm 15. Don't you think you're too old for me? Or I'm too young for you?" He went quiet for a while. "I don't think I care. Age is not important in love~" [Y/n]'s eyes narrowed as lots of roses appeared around him. He had this 'playboy' aura on him, and [Y/n] wasn't interested at one bit. She really would be grateful if Hagakure was there to beat them to pulp. She sighed. 'Time to look stupid, [Y/n]'.

"Is- Is that your Quirk?" She had love symbols in her eyes and he smirked. "Yes, isn't it just.. wonderful? Now come closer, dear~" She slowly walked towards their direction and his minions snickered at her obedience. "Yes.. yes it is.." He opened his arms with no shame, hoping her to jump and wrap her arms around him.

His eyes widened when [Y/n] suddenly broke into a sprint with her fist right on her side, eager to punch someone. She had this crazy smile on her face that made them shudder. He had no time to react and groaned in pain when her fist collided with his nose, sending him to the back. "Y-you bitch!!" He shouted and ordered his 'friends' to attack her. They seemed hesitant because they knew who she was, since they're a huge fan of heroes and always watch the U.A sports festival.

"Ehem. 'Now come closer, dear~'. Don't be such a fucking scaredy cat!" She said in a mocking voice. The two guys scurried off, too scared to even look at her. The leader soon ran away with them. She sighed at their stupid actions.

"They wasted my time.. Best Jeanist is going to be mad.. Oh nooo..." She mumbled to herself and walked out of the smelly alleyway. Making sure the kitten was still safe, she started to jog her way to the Pro Hero's place.

"Uhm- Hello!" She ran to the receptionist while brushing her messy hair from the running. She noticed the looks and glares the guys were giving her. "Hello.. Who might you be?" The nice male asked, turning his body from his computer to look at the guest. He silently gasped and apologized. "I'm [Y/n] Y-" She bit down her tongue. 'S-saved!!' She sighed. "I'm [Y/n] and I want to meet Best Jeanist for my internship." "Please give me a minute, thank you."

Typing something on the computer, [Y/n]'s eyes wandered around the place. By that time she noticed, she was the only female standing there, and she looked.. out of place. Tight jeans were a must, as all of the workers were wearing them. The receptionist coughed, gaining back her attention. "Best Jeanist is talking to- who he assumed as- a friend of yours, and he gave you five minutes to wear your Hero Costume and meet him at the top floor." [Y/n] nodded and ran to the elevator. Closing the door, [Y/n] hummed as she looked at the buttons.

That's when she thought back.

"Where's my suitcase?"

End chapter 52

Lmao. I.. I don't know what I'm doing right now.

[Y/n] is slowly having a fire of hate towards boys! That's it.

If you're a boy reading this, don't get offended because you're not one of those weirdos. :3

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