Cheap Trick

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"Hello, Hamasaki, is it? I'm Ashido Mina, call me Mina and do you have a nickname?!"

"Uhm.. You can call me Saki if you want to.."

She said, her fingers playing with the hem of the blue P.E shirt. [Y/n] was sitting behind the new teacher who was leaning at the window, looking at the campus in admiration.

"I wonder what the hell [Y/n] is doing."

Kaminari asked the alien girl who only shrugged.

"I think [Y/n]-san is trying to learn about Kiryuu-sensei? Most heroes do research about villains, that's what I learnt."

Reina stated and watched as the two nodded and eyes twinkled at the new information they received.

"I wanna try too!!!"

"Yes!! So we can beat Principal Nezu!"

Reina didn't know why but whenever she looked into Nezu's.. beady eyes they gave her chills. She felt bad for the two, and for her team too.

I mean, this new teacher asked to do a collaboration. All four students could feel something from the older pro heroes when they say they're going to be a team of four.

It wasn't a good feeling too.


The woman turned to meet [eye/colour] orbs looking at her intently.

"What's wrong, [Y/n]?"

She asked while smiling. [Y/n]'s eyes never left her, but she wasn't bothered by them much.





"Are your parents heroes?"

Yuzuki was thrown off guard from the question. She coughed to regain composure and straightened her body.

"Well, yes.."

"What's your reason to become a hero?"

"It is be-"

"Are you a U.A student too?"


"Do you like being a hero?"

"Yes of co-"

"Your Hero Name is like Todoroki-san and Tenya. They use their name too. Is there a reason behind it?"

The questions went on until they arrived at their destination. [Y/n] had tried to squeeze some informations of her Quirk and fighting techniques but she somehow saw it through and avoid them skilfully.

Tch, damn pros not giving any chance.

"Okay, us teachers will be inside first so do anything you think appropriate."

The four nodded. Nezu and Yuzuki walked pass the big metal door and a second after that it closed shut, causing some dust to fly up from the strong wind.

"I hope we can finish it as quickly as possible."

"Though isn't it weird that we're a team, but will be judged separately? As if saying any of us will fail!"

Mina huffed in dissatisfaction.

A loud blaring sound made them cupped their ears out of instinct.


"Everybody's at their marks, I take it? In that case, now is the time, U.A highschool's freshmen, let's begin the end-of-term test!

Readyyyyyy... GO!"


The gigantic door was opened and the started sprinting inside as their time was ticking.

[Time skip]


[Y/n] shouted as she ran right behind the petite girl. [Y/n] opened her steps to be bigger so she could keep up with her. She's small but she have a lot of energy to run non-stop!

It was five minutes after the test had begun, and they were trying to find the pink headed woman as well as helping the two idiots, but just now they were being chased by Nezu himself.

So by splitting up, they could finally concentrate on their mission!

"H-have you h-heard of Pro Hero: Y-Yuzuki?"

"Uhm... I don't think so... Maybe she's still a rising hero?"

They stopped running as they reached an alleyway and decided to hide there for a while.


Their heads turned to the left, hearing the weird sound near their spot.

[Y/n] pat her utility belt and slowly unzip it. Her hand rummaged in the bag and her hand grabbed a small cylinder item.

She clicked to turn on the flashlight.

"I think it's over there.."

Reina pointed to a random spot in the darkness. [Y/n] nodded and directed the flashlight to the same place.

"A.. ring?"

"A trap, maybe?"

The two said in unison. I mean, who would just throw away their ring like that? Especially if it was from their loved one.

"I know you girls aren't going to fall for that cheap trick, but I did steal your attention.."

The flashlight was kicked out of her grasp and both of them gasped as their body was strained by an unknown force.


[Y/n] tried to break through, because their time was limited, so doing nothing would waste it.

"No, no. You're going to hurt yourself.."

She said with a sarcastic tone.

"What can you do, oh heroes? I'm in control.."

"Well fuck-"


"What are you going to do? Keep us until the time is up?"

"Yes. I won't let any heroes pass my territory without a fig-"

"I mean, I think you're scared to face us, that's why yo-"

"NO I'M NOT!-"

"Prove it!-"

Reina watched between the two and almost let out a giggle. They were screaming at each other like little kids, pretty much like her siblings fighting.



Reina's eyes widened as [Y/n] winked at her. She then fist her hand, gasping as she felt her arms free from the pro's Quirk.

Quickly she slapped her left palm on the pavement, causing a wave of crystal to appear rapidly. Yuzuki saw it coming and used her Quirk to prop herself up while in the same time dodging the sharp crystals coming her way.

[Y/n] rubbed her wrist to sooth out the pain from being held tightly.

"[Y/n]-san, let's do this!"

Reina smiled as sweat started forming on her face.

"Hn! We'll pass together!"

End chapter 69

A sacrifice will be needed as a new friendship starts to bloom.

Yuzuki Kiryuu

Reina Hamasaki

«Momo's Twin» Book 2✔Where stories live. Discover now