She's back!

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"Oh, [Y/n]-chan there you are!"

Midoriya ran towards her side and smiled. "Oh, Izuku. What brought you here?"

"Well, I heard from Kendo-san from Class 1-B that our next exam will be just like out entrance exam!"

"Oh yeah, one of the upperclassmen said so too. But somehow I don't think that's what our teachers have in mind."

Midoriya tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"Well, in sixty-fifth chapter, it said that there will be two people coming for the exam, a teacher and a student."

He nodded, and paid no mind to [Y/n] breaking the fourth wall as it it was nothing, because he had the speciality to do that too ;)

"I don't think fighting robots need-"

"I'm sure there's reason for them to be here. I don't think you should over think, [Y/n]-chan."

He cut her off. She made an 'excuse me' face at him. The bell rung again, indicating that their break was over.

In Class 1-A

"Eehh~ if that so, it'll be as easy as walking in the park~ now we just need to.. su.. stu.. study!"

Kaminari and Mina was in seventh heaven hearing the news from Sero.

"Who cares if they're robots or people. They're all be blown away. 'Walk in the park' my ass. Stupid."

[Y/n] walked to the male. "Did you figure it out too?" She asked in a hush. "Tch, they're just dumbasses, of course I noticed the test isn't going to be robots and shits."

"No need to ruin our mood, Bakugo!!"


"Shut up!"

[Y/n] watched Bakugo screaming things she blocked out, though she could see him glaring at Midoriya.

"And then I'll fucking kill you!!!"

He shouted while pointing at the male who only stood still at his spot.

"And you too- Toadoroki or whatever your name is!"

He snapped his head back to point his finger at the two coloured hair person.


"Man.. That's harsh, Bakugo. How long has it been since we've seen this side of your's?"

Kirishima sweatdropped at his bro slamming the door close after the ravennette step out of the classroom. "Maybe he's irritated of something.." Tokoyami said, also sweatdropping.

"Hmm.. He's going to be a problem... How should I dispose him?"

"Katsuki are you upset of something to be in this mood?"

"Shut the fuck up." He mumbled and shoved both of his hands into his pockets.

"Anyways, Katsuki do you want to come to my house tomorrow? I know you're going to say 'I want to study' or 'training alone', but I'm really bored."

"Those dumbs are going to be there, since your sister is teaching them."

[Y/n]'s eyes widened, she forgot about that! "Well I was thinking of trapping myself in my bedroom for the rest of the day."

"So much for getting the first fucking place in the class. Tch."

"I know I'm smart!"

"Like hell you are!!"

Test Exercise!!!

A long line of teachers greeted them as they walked out of the tunnel, equipped with their hero gears.

"Right, the test exercise will begin shortly."

Aizawa who was in the middle of the sea of teachers, spoke up.

"Obviously, you can fail this test too. So if you want to follow the trip to the camping lodge, we don't want to see any pitiful performances from you."

Jiro blinked and nudged Momo. "W.. why is there so many teachers? 5, no. 6?"

"Maybe the teachers will be judging us?" Momo guessed.

"I've doubt you all have learned what information you could of the test beforehand. I think you got a grasp on what to do."

Mina and Kaminari cheered.

"Robots, right?!"



"Soorry for letting your hopes down kids!"


The mouse/bear/dog was comfortably sat in Aizawa's scarf. He shoved Aizawa's head to the side to make himself more visible to the students.

"Due to various reasons, we have to.. change the test just a liiitle bit! We hope you guys understand. Especially with the arrival of the new student and teacher!!"

He happily stated, causing Mina and Kaminari's face to turn pale. "W-what?"

He grabbed the end of Aizawa's scarf before slowly setting himself down.

"Well, from now on, we teachers are concentrating more person on person battle activities. And also emphasizing an environment where it feels as if you're in real battle! Well, not really, but you get the point."

After his introduction to this new test, class 1-A panicked. The reason of why the teachers were there.. It clicked into their minds instantly!

"We will have you form in a pair to engage in a battle with your teachers here!"

Ochako stuttered on her words as Tsuyu tried her best not to look scared.

"Though, don't be scared! Your pairs and who your opponent are already decided!!"


Everyone turned to see [Y/n] raising her hand.

"Yes? Any question?"

Nezu smiled- trying to calm some of the students there- but he didn't notice he was the one making them nervous.

"Is the new student recommended by any of you? Or any heroes in the world?"

"Oh, great question, [Y/n]-chan. Now introducing, Reina Hamasaki-chan, from the Kagayaku Hōseki highschool!"

"All girls school too!" Midnight butted in as she lead a girl with beautiful chestnut hair to the centre of the spot. Nudging the girl, she walked pass the R-18 and nervously smiled towards the crowd.

"I.. I'm Reina Hamasaki, pleased to be acquaintances with you guys!"

End chapter 67

Yay! Reina-san is back after her debut in Book One!

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