2 | cheers

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"If you feel sad, just call me. I'll always pick up..." Tony sighed as he stared at me for a little while. He suddenly took out something from his back pocket and placed it onto my palms. "It's a Kim Yohan keychain. I know that they disbanded already, but it was on sale so I bought it."

"I love it!" Even though they're gone, Kim Yohan is still my ultimate bias. I put the keychain onto my carry on and let it hang. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too." We hugged each other one last time before saying our farewells to each other.

Once the plane was up in the air, boredom immediately took over me. It's my first time travelling by myself, and it feels lonely not having Tony beside me. He would often entertain me and we would watch shows together.

I decided to watch Kim Yohan's fancams from three years ago, my heart still beating the same way as it did before. I will forever love this guy. He's the reason why I got into K-pop, and I will always remember what I felt the first time I saw him. I was ecstatic.

It's very unfortunate that his group disbanded. Their group flopped because they were low in charts, so their company had to terminate their contract. Actually, their company went bankrupt too- which is the main reason why they couldn't further continue with their activities. I barely get updates about the members now, which makes me concerned. Ever since last year, not a single post has been made about Yohan. I wonder what happened to him- it makes me so curious.

I love everything about him. His charisma, his willingness to learn, his everything. Oh gosh- I'm so whipped for this dude that doesn't even know that I exist.

But oh well! That's the point of fangirling. Loving someone from afar without wanting anything in return. It's not a phase, it's a lifestyle.

After a fourteen hour flight with subtle turbulences here and there, I finally and safely arrived to Incheon from Toronto.

As soon as I walked out of the airplane, I felt like a lost child. I roamed around the very big airport, and looked through the stores and what not. It was almost like a huge mall.

Should I call a cab or take the subway? I only have one suitcase anyways and a big backpack. I thought quick but hard, and came up with a conclusion.

Since I'm a strong minded girl, I will go for it. I will take the subway.

I purchased my very first T-Money card and got into the subway station. When I finally got a seat, I was surprised that there's not much people. Maybe it's too early.

People didn't really think differently of me, since I'm Chinese and mostly looked Korean for the most part. Their language was fortunately offered in my high school, so I kind of have an idea how to communicate. Plus K-dramas, duh.

After a few stops and changing subways, I finally arrived to my destination. I exhaustedly carried my belongings up the huge stairs, panting as I reached the very last one.

Sports University? Even the stairs are a workout already.

I opened the door to my dorm room, and a whole bunch of girls looked at me with confusion in their eyes. I counted, and there was about six.

"H-Hello..." my anti-social ass stuttered while awkwardly staring at them. "I'm Olivia Li, your new roommate."

One of the ladies stood up and examined me, then mentioned me to come sit with them. I took off my shoes, and respectfully bowed to everyone. I sat in the empty space, and they handed me a can of beer. I noticed the bucket of chicken on the centre of the table.

"By the way, I'm your roommate. These are just my friends," Says the girl that stood up earlier. "I'm Kang Mina. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!" I smiled.

We all raised up our cans and drank at the same time. This is literally what I pictured whenever I thought university... well, other than studying.

Is already seems like I'm gonna have a great time here.

At least I hope so.



Song: Ella Mai — Shot Clock

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