10 | practice

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"So you did do things on Saturday." Mingyu giggled like a child while staring at my neck. As much as I tried to hide it, the marks are still clearly visible.

"Did not. We played games with Wheelies- not what you're thinking. Plus, I'm not dating Yohan." I told him before he makes up weird things in his mind. 

"Are you sure? Mmh, what am I thinking of?" Oh goodness, why does he have the same energy as Yohan? Why are all these smart boys coming at me?

"Goodbye." I put my hand over my eyes and depleted into darkness. Suddenly, I heard Mingyu singing the Piyak Piyak chick song. Oh gosh- he's an actual fetus.

The teacher came in and we began our lecture about the human anatomy. It's a boring class for me, but Mingyu seems to really enjoy it. Well, I think he just likes all the courses in general.

"I don't get it." I whispered to him after class.

"Well, did you listen?" He suddenly attacked me with that question. What does he expect from me?

"Of course not." I laughed at myself for being such an idiot. I looked over his shoulders and tried to peek at his notes, but he immediately shut close his notebook. I love how he still takes notes and not just type them down onto his laptop.

"I'll give you my notes, but in one condition..." Mingyu leaned on the table and stared at me with his pretty eyes, plus those beautiful long lashes of his.

"Alright, deal. What is it?" I desperately need to get my grades up, or else I'd have to go back to Canada.

"Go on a date with me."



"You're later than usual." I said once Liv finally arrived to practice. She's not actually late, but the time I waited for her felt like an eternity.

"Guess what?" Her eyes shined as she stared at me. "Kim Mingyu asked me out."

"For real?" I pretended to smile. "That's great then, congrats. By the way, I'm actually surprised he asked you out even with all those hickeys on your neck... sorry."

"It's fine! You're a great kisser." Liv gave me two thumbs up and left me in daze.

What is this girl doing to me?



That was so fucking awkward.

I pretended to be all chill about it and such, but I was honestly dying inside. It's not like I should be all caught up in that one kiss... bet it meant nothing to him anyways.

I changed into my dobok and took a few deep breaths before I came to face my greatest fear again- trying to make eye contact with the guy I made out with, whom I'm not even dating.

"You're acting all weird around me. Do you feel uncomfortable that I kissed you? I'm sorry about that." Yohan rubbed the back of his neck.

"No, it's not that..." Oh sweetie, don't ever feel bad about that. I liked it, I swear. "It's just that, it was my first kiss. I think it's normal to feel things around that person."

"You have feelings for me?" He smirked. Okay, here we go again- back to normal Yohan.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." I rolled my eyes and put on my sparing gear.

"You took mine. Yours is over there." His eyes scrunched while laughing like an idiot. My mind is allover the place, and I can't do anything properly- he's totally not helping.

"Got it." I aggressively took off his helmet and handed it- almost threw it at him. I finally put on my gear, and warmed myself up to get the energy going.

"Let's go." Yohan suggested and I agreed in a matter of seconds. I really wanna beat his annoying ass... even though he's too beautiful, I don't want to get distracted. He's really been testing me today.

"You're going down, Kim Yohan." I went in a ready position and waited for him to yell "Sijak (begin)". My adrenaline is up there, and I'm ready to beat his ass down.

"Not before I do it first." He said in a weird tone. These mouth guards are really fucking up our vocabulary, it sounds almost too funny.

Yohan yelled go, and we both began kicking and punching each other. I began with doing a few basic kicks, then moving on to harder techniques. I suddenly did two round house kicks, but he blocked my next kick and sneakily hit me with a spinning back kick towards the head.

Damn it, he won.

I began feeling lightheaded, and suddenly collapsed... on top of him. I laid my head on Yohan's chest and felt it rise up and down as his heart beat rapidly. I felt dizzy and almost went unconscious by the impact of his kick.

"We're only practicing, why did you kick me so hard?" I choppily said while panting.

"I didn't know it would hurt that much. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again." I could hear the sincereness in his voice.

"It's alright, I've been knocked out many times before..." I chuckled at my own stupidness. "Thanks for being a great coach. I need to strive harder if I wanna get to the top."

"I love your optimism. You'll go so far." Yohan gently helped me get up and we decided to do patterns instead of continuing sparring. He helped me make my movements sharper, the angles be perfect- he's helping me get to where I want to be.



+ this is the first season where I actually wanted all 101 trainees to debut lmAo, so yea this szn was rough for me

Song: Yeonsoo (연수) — I Wanna Be Loved

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