13 | inkigayo

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I woke up the next morning with Olivia sleeping soundly beside me.

I planted soft kisses on her bare shoulders, up to her neck, trying to wake her up in the most gentle way possible. We still have a class to teach later, and I don't want to abruptly wake her up when the time comes.

"Good morning." I smiled once her eyes somewhat opened. Liv stared at me with stars in her eyes.

"Good morning," She turned towards me and pecked my lips. "What a great way to start the morning!"

"I agree." I smiled before helping her get up. We took turns taking a warm shower, and I let her borrow one of my Adidas tracksuits. My whole closet is basically filled with sport clothes, only a few dress clothes for the usual after-parties.

"How long did we sleep for?" Liv asked, still half asleep. She laid her head on the table while waiting for me to get dress. Since I'm out of groceries, we both decided to just go out somewhere nearby to have brunch.

"Twelve hours." I also surprised myself with that. That's the longest sleep I've had in the past two years.

"For real? That's so much... I must be extremely lazy to still be this tired." She leaned against me while we walked hand-in-hand towards the restaurant.

"I'm going grocery shopping after class later, wanna go with me?" I asked and she excitedly said yes.

"Our first errand together! Aww, that's so cute." Liv squealed and I just grinned at her adorable little gestures. We picked out our meals from the menu, and decided to just share the dishes so that we both get to taste it.

"It feels so nice to be in a relationship." I sat back and sighed in relief.

"Tell me about your exes," Oh fuck- maybe I shouldn't have said anything. "Did you date any idols or trainees during your time promoting? Or even during your trainee days?"

"Of course! Who hasn't honestly? Everyone dates everyone. It was so easy to get away with it." I took a sip of water, and she leaned against the table with her eyes wide open.

"Tell me who dated who?!" Liv suddenly took interest in the topic. I'm kind of disappointed that she's not jealous of me having idol exes... but then again she's still a fangirl. Her curiosity will always win over.

"Mmh, where do I start?" I told her which people I knew were dating, and even the big idol groups and how they did things. It was interesting and sneaky- like the famous Inkigayo sandwich trick, or the long drives out to nowhere. I also told her about my experiences, and Liv just sat there, ecstatic.


"You're not even jealous?"

"Why should I be? That's so freaking cool! I can't believe you dated such awesome people, it's making me feel like trash!" She enthusiastically said. Liv really is one of a kind, isn't she? "I'm still really surprised. Who would have thought!"

"That was years ago- we were all still rookies then. Maybe they're not doing that anymore, since they've become extremely popular. They have to be extra careful. If by chance they're dating, it's probably one of their staffs... or someone pretending to be their staff."

"But isn't some companies staffs all married? I think I heard that somewhere."

"That's what they all say," I whistled. "Everything is edited to please the media. You never know what actually happens behind the scenes... one of your idols could already be married, and you wouldn't even know."

"Wow, that's- you're right." Liv took a second to rethink everything. That must have been a lot of information for her.

"How about you? Tell me about your exes." I gave my full attention to her.

"I don't have one. I spent my whole time fang-" She immediately shut herself up, turning bright red.

"Fangirling? I know- don't feel embarrassed about it," I took her hand and put it in mine. "I knew this whole time."

"What?" She began blinking rapidly. "Why didn't you say anything about it? You just watched me suffer?"

"Oops." I looked up and the waiter put our dishes on the table. I thanked him and began eating.

"How did you find out?" If this was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of Olivia's ears.

"When you got drunk, you passionately talked about your favourite groups- why did you think I showed you those videos? Damn, you're a great liar." I mentioned and she glared at me.

"It's not weird to you? I mean, you're literally dating your fangirl... what if I was a sasaeng?" She began to overthink things again.

"I don't care. I like you, that's all that matters."


I just ordered CIX and AB6IX's albums and the shipping fee costed more than the albums 0_0 gotta love Canada post:/ (anything for my pd101 s2 & C9 bbys + silverboys)

Song: PDX101 (프로듀스X101) — Pretty Girl (이뻐이뻐)

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