25 | photoshoot

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"Alright Yohan, you're done." The photographer said and my eyes shot up. We've been shooting the teaser pictures for hours now, since there's so many of us.

"Already? You only took like five pictures." I scratched my head.

"And all five turned out well." He gave me two thumbs up. I thanked him and checked the monitor to see my images. Wow, the camera quality has really improved so much.

"Kim Yohan's visuals really... you outshine everyone." Seungwoo patted my back. C'mon, we all know who's the sexiest man here- it's him.

"Nice try." I replied before getting myself a drink from the vendor.

I checked my phone to see a few messages sent by my girlfriend. I feel horrible for making her wait this long.


Hey bub, wanna have Italian food
for dinner?

I'm going home late tonight:(

I'm eating out with the boys after
our photoshoot

Oh! It's okee then, take your

How's it going?

I just finished, it was very quick

Everyone's cooperating well

Glad to hear that^_^

I miss you

I miss you too

Sorry if I haven't gone home
these past three days

Preparation for the new album's
getting pretty hectic:/

*crying emoticon*

Nooooo it's okay!

If you guys want to eat anything, I
always can bring it

"Do you guys wanna eat anything?" I barged into the dressing room and asked all my group mates.

"Honestly, I'm craving tteokbeokki... I know we're on a strict diet right now- but I've just been having dreams about greasy food lately." Dongpyo dropped his head onto the table, causing him to wince in pain.

they want tteokbokki

Aight, I'll order some from your
favourite restaurant

Thank you!

I'll ask them to open the door for
you, just say you're my stylist

Alright, see you:)



Honestly, I just used food as an excuse to see Yohan. The past three days that went by felt like an eternity to me- even though I know that it'll feel much longer once he goes on tour.

I went to the restaurant and picked up my big order of tteokbokki, before heading my way to YJS Ent. in Gangnam. I successfully got inside the building after following Yohan's instructions, but turned out getting lost inside the endless series of hallways.

"Noona, what is that?" Dohyun's eyes let out a mischievous smile while staring at the paper bag. "Do you need help with it?"

"I'm alright! I just don't know where everyone else is- I'm supposed to give this to them." I mentioned and Dohyun immediately showed me the way to their waiting room.

"Liv!" Yohan's smile could reach the galaxy once he saw me. Maybe he missed me as much as I missed him.

I laid down the food onto a big glass table, and everyone all of a sudden gathered around it to eat a few pieces of the spicy rice cakes. Dongpyo even had tears in his eyes.

"Eunsang, stop making a mess!" Seungwoo threw him a napkin, and Eunsang wiped the sauce off his face. "It's been years, and everyone still acts like little children."

"It's so cute. I'm glad you guys still maintained such a strong relationship with each other, even after all the years that have passed!" I almost teared up myself.

"Come on Olivia, hand us your phone." Wooseok put out his hand and I gave him a questioning look, but didn't think twice to hand him over my phone.

"Yohan photo card? Hyung! You forced her, didn't you?" Hyeongjun pouted while crossing his arms.

"Me? No way! It's not my fault I'm her bias- oh never mind, it's actually Junho. She just didn't get his photo card." Yohan mentioned and I swear, I wanted to murder my own boyfriend right there.

"I'm an OT11 stan- don't listen to him." I shook my head and gave him a death stare.

"Here you go, a gift from us!" Junho smiled innocently while handing me back my phone. They all signed my clear phone case with a gold sharpie. "Next time, it'll be our album. You'll be the first person to get a signed copy."

"I love it! Thank you so much, this means a lot to me." The tears finally escaped and everyone came up and hugged me. It still feels so overwhelming and unreal, I'm just in complete awe.


PD101 JAPAN COMING SOON OMG WHO'S YALLS PICKS??¿ my 1 pick rn is Komatsu Koshin uwu bby

Song: JooYoung (주영) — Planet Girl ft. pH-1

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