37 | threat

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"Hey guys, I heard there's new female trainees. Should we go meet them?" Seungyoun wiggled his eyebrows and the other boys giggled. We snuck out of our practice room and into theirs.

All the girls began to panic as they bowed down respectfully to us. They're all gorgeous and quite young, but there are a few around my age. We gave them advices and stuff as a senior, and they looked at us so fondly.

I couldn't help but recognize the one girl that kept starring at me. Whenever I looked back, she would quickly look away and feel all flustered. I feel like I've seen her somewhere but I forgot.

"Hey, have we met?" I asked her after practice. Everyone's starting to leave, but the lingering thought in my head got me wondering.

"I've already debuted before. Do you remembered Pixies?" I immediately remembered who she was. "You and I... we kinda..."

I've slept with this girl before. During my rookie days. She was my senior at that time, and was the first idol I've ever slept with. Brings back so many memories.

"Well it's nice to see you again, Soojin noona." I smiled and bowed to her before attempting to leave. She grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall.

"It's been years and you're still avoiding me? I thought you would become more mature." She stared at me with sharp eyes. I found the perfect timing to flip her over- her now being trapped against the wall and me.

"What do you want? Ask the director to debut you? Don't start threatening me again; the past stays there." I gritted my teeth.

"Let's become friends with benefits. Without you running away from me again- it's so burdensome." She shook her head.

"I have a girlfriend." I honestly told her. Olivia wouldn't appreciate this.

"I know. I've been training here for a while now, and I saw her come by a couple of times. Can't you do better? Why pick someone so... plain? Your standards have downgraded."


"Let's go to a hotel now." Her hands travelled up my shirt.



I waited for Yohan's call, but nothing came. I was about to go to sleep, when Junho suddenly came knocking on the front door.

"What's up?" I patted his back while he panted heavily.

"I was walking around earlier, just to exercise... I saw Yohan with a girl go inside a five star hotel," He showed me a picture on his phone- a hot girl and Yohan holding hands. "I don't want to speculate, but what else could it mean?"

"I trust him... he promised." I looked down at my hands and began to feel hopeless.

"You've helped me so much, and I wanted to repay you... I know that it isn't my place to say this, but Yohan slept with someone during our trip in America. I overheard from Seungyoun during my last day there- I couldn't tell you because I felt horrible, but you have to know the truth."

I bit my bottom lip until it started to bleed. I don't wanna cry anymore, but it hurts. I'm scared to be unloved by him.

"I love him..." I mumbled.

As much as I know how badly he's already hurting me, I can't seem to get mad at him. Maybe I've been blinded, but I'm too afraid of being alone. The thought of losing him is just so horrifying.



Yohan arrived home the next morning, wearing the same clothes he wore when he left. I ran up to hug him, only to smell the strong scent of hotel shampoo.

"Where were you last night?" I muttered against his neck.

"I just hanged out with a couple of high school friends. We stayed at a hotel and partied all night."

You're a damn great liar.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I stared deeply into his eyes, but he just won't budge. I wanna scream so badly, but I have to keep it on the down low.

"I'm kinda tired right now. I'll go take a nap." Yohan pushed away my arms and began walking towards our bedroom.



Song: DAY6 (데이식스) - ALL ALONE (혼자야)

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