34 | official statement

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It's been more than a week now since Junho was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. The company has put out an official statement about it, and he's also been receiving counselling.

X1's currently still in America finishing their schedules, meanwhile Junho decided to stay home with his family. Since it's quite near my place, I've been checking up on him very often. He seems to be progressing more as each day goes by, with the help of fans who keep sending him positive messages online and through handwritten letters.

It's really saddening to see this outgoing boy suddenly become very silent. That innocent smile of his has already faded away.


Unknown Number


This is Yuna, one Yohan's sisters:)
You gave me your number last time
(Istg idk his sisters names so just
pretend sjjsjs lmAo)

I remember!

Hey, what's up?

Our parents gave us permission
to stay there for the weekend

If it's not much of a bother, can
you tour us around?

Of course!

Yohan knows you two are going?

Yup, he said we can stay at your
guys' penthouse

That's so exciting

I'll plan out a great trip for
you two:)

Thank you so much!!!



"Hyeongjun, you're still messing up Junho's part. Come on, we've been practicing it so many times." Seungyoun tried to be patient with him, but it's taking way too long. We had to perform our title track at a talkshow earlier, and he messed up Junho's part- thank goodness it was barely noticeable. Hyeongjun had to take over, and we were told to create new formations after the company announced Junho's hiatus.

It's been a struggle for everyone ever since. I suddenly remembered when I got injured, it must have been just as hard.

Near the end of practice, the atmosphere was just heavy. The older members verbally fought over some personal issues, and the younger ones were getting scolded. It was chaotic, and everyone seemed so down and pissed. It honestly got my blood boiling as well, but I decided to stay silent. It wouldn't make any positive difference if I spoke up.

It seemed as if Seungwoo, Seungyoun and Wooseok had different opinions on leadership- each wanted to be in charge. They all wanted superiority.

"No one's going back to the hotel until you all make up. Why don't we all just work together? We're a team for a reason." Eunsang locked the door and everyone grew silent.



"Hello! My mom packed these for you." Yuna handed me a box full of side dishes. They look extremely delicious and fresh.

We walked a bit to find an available taxi, planning to just go back to the apartment. The two girls seem very tired, so I figured out that we should just have a slumber party type of thing.

"What food do you guys want? I'll call in delivery." I told them and their eyes began to twinkle. Eyes very similar to Yohan's.

"Can we have pizza and chicken?!" Yeojin, the younger one suggested. I nodded and immediately called this pizza place, after remembering their great deal. The promo set comes with a large pizza, a box of chicken fingers and desert.

"Done." I smiled while admiring the two. They're both so pretty and young, it makes me miss my childhood.

We arrived to the apartment, and the girls immediately fell on the sofa. Minutes later, Yeojin fell asleep right when the food arrived. She got up like a zombie, and began jumping up and down because of the pizza.

"Do you miss Yohan?" Yuna suddenly asked. Mentioning his name, it makes me really wonder- what is he doing right now? Is he eating well? Does he get enough sleep? Whenever we text or call, it's only long enough for us to say good morning or goodnight.

"Of course I miss him. I do, a lot actually."


Glad Yohan recovered well and can perform now ahhhh

Song: 406 Project (406 프로젝트) — Still Like You (그래도 좋으니까)

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