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I got home and realized that everything's way too clean. Going inside my room, my safe has been broken into... nothing important was taken except Liv's phone. Now that I think of it, she didn't greet me by the door.

I checked inside the washroom, but it's empty. All the other rooms too.

My heartbeat increased as I opened her closet. The luggage is gone and as well as a few of her clothes... she'll come back, right? She won't just leave her stuff here. She wouldn't leave me here alone... right?

I began to panic at the thought of media catching her. However, I haven't seen anything up... that's extremely odd. Where is she?

I began to think of many questions, waiting impatiently until she comes back home. I know she will...

I'll just have to wait.



"Stop reading those comments. You were the one who gave me that advice before... hypocrite," Junho started shaking his head. "People say shit about us because they're hiding behind a screen. Say it directly to our faces? No way. They'll just keep criticizing because they can hide."

"I know... but it's still so hard. I don't get why people could be so cruel- they don't even know the real story," I tried to smile but it's too difficult. "I'm always the bad guy."

"Don't say that. Despite Yohan's consistent emotional abuse towards you, you still stayed so strong. You're the best person I've ever known and I really do look up to you. Right now, you just need to stay positive despite the malicious comments. They're always gonna be there- all we need to do is keep a positive mindset and stay healthy. We can't let them win."

"I'm not as strong as you think..." I suddenly thought of the time when I wanted to jump off the penthouse terrace. I actually really did consider it, and for the reason of disappearing forever... "I felt so empty being there. I was already too scarred that nothing except Yohan's words hurt me anymore."

"You did well, Olivia." Junho pulled me into a warm hug.

"Can you do me one last favour?" We stared into each others eyes, and he nodded in response. "I'll pay you to buy me a oneway plane ticket. First thing tomorrow, I'm gonna fly back to Canada."



"Do you know where Olivia is? I've been waiting for her to go home since three days ago... she won't answer any of my calls." I asked Junho. My whole weekend has been filled with concern and stress.

"You won't find her anymore. She left," Junho nonchalantly answered me. "Went back to Canada yesterday morning. She'll probably arrive there very soon."

"What?" My chest dropped. "No way... she's staying at your place right? Let me visit her, we need to talk-"

"So you can what? Insult her, degrade her- basically make her feel like shit about herself? You didn't hurt her physically, but you really did abuse her mentally. Locking her and her things up? Only sick people do that. Olivia left because she wanted to escape from you."

I fucked up.

She won't ever forgive me again.

"Can you give me her address or any of her contacts?" I desperately pleaded but Junho just wouldn't budge.

"Give her a break."



"Mama! Tony!" I ran up and hugged them. I couldn't help but cry onto my mom's shoulders... I missed them so much- all the overwhelming feelings I've been bottling up, just came oozing out.

"How are you?" She stared at me with sincere motherly concern. "I heard about what happened- Tony told me. Don't worry, I already took down all the posters as quickly as possible."

"Thank you so much." I couldn't help but smile a little. My chest feels so full from their love- it's quite fulfilling.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. We're here now." Tony pulled me into his arms and I immediately felt comfort.

Once we arrived home, my mom brought out all the dishes she cooked all night. My favourite foods- varying from main dishes to dessert. The strong smell filled the entire house, making it feel like Christmas once again.

Home sweet home.


I KINDA HAVE A CONFESSION AHHAA... JUNHO IS ACTUALLY MY BIAS... He kinda bias wrecked me after Flash came out ksksks- but at the same time Yohan's my bias too so liek?¿?

Song: Heize (헤이즈) — Falling Leaves Are Beautiful (떨어지는 낙엽까지도)

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