29 | first win

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I carefully checked the music charts every few hours or so, but our songs still remain number one. It feels so unreal.

"X1 first win, next week at the latest. I'm certain of that." Olivia pecked my cheek as we finally got to rest at home.

"Everything just feels like a dream. I don't wanna wake up from this..." my eyes began to feel heavy, and I eventually drifted off to sleep.



"Oh my gosh, just go already." Chaewon complained as we waited for the winners of this week's MCountdown to be called out. We're currently at a nearby Korean restaurant along with Mingyu, after having a really long day at school. We arrived a tad late, so we didn't get to watch any of their performances.

"Congratulations to your first win, X1!" The host mentioned and we all screamed at the same time. The boys began to cry through the screen, and a few of them gave out a short thank you speech.

"I'm so proud of them." All the tenseness finally leaving my body.

"They deserved it! Cheers?" Mingyu raised up his glass and we all took a shot. We limited ourselves to one glass, since Mingyu and I are both lightweights.


"I'll just go get this." I went outside and answered the call from Yohan.

"Is this Olivia?" That voice is definitely not his... it kinda sounds like Seungwoo. His tone sounds very serious, making me feel a bit anxious.

"It is, what's going on?" I took a deep breath.

"Yohan sprained his ankle during rehearsals earlier and was sent to emergency... but then he came back to finish the recording. Sorry if none of us called you, our phones were in the lockers. Can you come here right now and take him back to the hospital? He won't listen to any of us."

"Of course. Just send me the address." I began to panic after hearing the news. They just debuted recently and he already got injured. This definitely won't be easy on him, and it makes me very concerned.

I explained the situation to Mingyu and Chaewon, and they immediately understood. I took a subway to the venue, while watching their performance on YouTube. Yohan definitely seems to be in pain, and they even made him sit down during one of the songs.



"Let's go to the hospital now, you need to get your ankle checked." Olivia helped me up and I suddenly felt bad for causing such a commotion. We went out through a different exit and smoothly made our way back to a nearby hospital in Gangnam.

"It doesn't hurt that much." I lied- it hurts like hell. I used to do Taekwondo and had all sorts of injuries; this isn't something new to me. I'm very good at enduring these types of pain.

"Why'd you go back? Look, it swelled up so much." She didn't even listen and just shook her head while checking my ankle.

"It was our first music show, so I didn't want to disappoint the fans. It's fine-"

"Hey, Kim Yohan- I know you have a very strong will to perform on stage, but if you keep putting your health at risk... it could become much worse. Don't do this again." I could sense the extreme worry in her eyes. I don't want her to feel that way.

"Alright, I'll be more careful." I cupped Olivia's face with one of my hands and she exhaled.

We arrived to the hospital, where I was then sent to a private room. The same doctor from earlier gave me further examinations, and even an x-ray to give me an accurate diagnosis.

"You have ligament damage in this area," he pointed at a diagram to give a better explanation. "I understand that your group is promoting, but we have to make exceptions if you want a quick recovery. You'll have to rest for at least six weeks, to make sure that the area doesn't get strained any further."

After having a conversation with the company, they agreed to let Yohan perform with the group- however, he has to be sitting down.



Song: DAY6 (데이식스) — I'll Try

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