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I went inside the cold empty dojo and prepared myself to meet the new volunteer. Earlier this month KNSU sent me a whole bunch of files, asking me to pick one person to train. I looked at everyone's experiences and she seemed to have the best one- I know I shouldn't underestimate people's skills, but something drove me into picking her. I just didn't know what it was.

"Good afternoon, are you the new volunteer?" I asked and her eyes looked at me in utter shock. She panicked and quickly hid something into her bag.

Does she know that I'm Kim Yohan from B1UE? I highly doubt it though, we weren't even famous at all.

"What was that?" I was curious as to what she's doing. Olivia Li, this girl that I chose is extremely odd... but it's the cute type of odd. She's quite charming.

She carefully and in a very formal way introduced herself to me. I was quite impressed by her Korean grammar. However, I like being comfortable with people my age. I hate the feeling of tension.

"I'm Kim Yohan. I'm one of the Taekwondo coaches here and I'll train you to become a great athlete." I told her in a serious manner.

"Yes, sir?" She tilted her head in confusion. I smiled at her small action.

"I don't mind you calling my name, Liv. We're the same age, so I'd be much more comfortable if you drop the honourifics when talking to me. We should become good friends since we're working together for the next three months, but let's stay professional when actual work needs to be done."

Am I too forward? Should I be more intimidating?

"I'm so excited to be here. I'll work really hard so that you wouldn't regret it." She replied confidently.

I like that. Her optimistic mindset will get her to places.



"It's a youth class today. They're children ranging from three to six- they mostly just run around and play, so it might get a little hard to control them." Yohan warned me. As long as he's here, I can do anything.

He handed me a uniform that matches his, and it even has my name already imprinted on it. I tried it on, and the fit is just right. The fabric is still crispy and new- I remember the last time I got a new dobok. Five years ago, after I stopped growing.

"Fighting!" Yohan encouraged me both figuratively and literally.

The kids came in and I couldn't help but let out the weirdest sounds whenever a  face showed up. Actually, before the class started, Yohan showed me a list of kids and their pictures to try and get familiar with them before actually meeting them. He says it works like wonders.

"Hello, Soorin~ah!" I waved at this little girl and she smiled at me with her eyes. He's right- it does work.

"Told you so..." Yohan creeped behind me and whispered. I felt shaken by that one simple act.

The class started and we played a lot of balance games with the toddlers. Yohan smiled from ear-to-ear the whole time and my heart felt warm. He's so cute and so are the kids. Cuteness overload.

Mostly, my job was to take the kids to the bathroom. It sucks, but I can't hate them- they're just too adorable.

"Good work today, Li." Yohan gave me a high five and I gasped at the skin contact. Oh my gosh, it's my very first high-touch with him! "Meet me in my office, I'll just take a quick shower."

"Huh?" I stared at him while he began taking off his black belt.

"Since it's your first day here, we should celebrate. Let's go to Hongdae." Without even letting me reply, he left and I just stood there in awe.

I internally screamed and did cartwheels on the soft matts, before making my way into his office as he instructed.

I looked around and noticed the medals and trophies that filled the empty spaces, and the pictures hanged up carefully against the wall. It's pictures of Yohan and his sisters, also his father.

It felt like I was getting exclusive content, and I felt too privileged.

"If you win the Busan Open in three months, I'll hang a picture of you and me there. Probably not that exciting, but I'll also get you something else. Let's keep on working hard till then, okay?"

Probably not that exciting?

My stomach is emitting fireworks.


Yall my updates might be a few hours late bc its summer rn and I tend to sleep in agshshhs

Song: Primary (프라이머리) — Pick Up

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