14 | trainee

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"Hello, I'm Kim Chaewon. Please take care of me!" She bowed and everyone immediately started whispering to each other.

"That new girl... isn't she Chaewon from a group that just recently disbanded? Like from that TV show or something?" I overheard one of the guys say.

They're right. It's Kim Chaewon from IZ*ONE, one of the girls from Produce 48. Of course I've watched that show before, but I was never really updated with them after, other than listening to their songs and such. I didn't even know they disbanded already... time goes by so fast.

"Can I sit here?" She suddenly asked and I nodded, still quite surprised.

"I don't wanna be that person... but are you Kim Chaewon from IZ*ONE?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and finally found the courage to ask.

"I am! Wow, I never thought someone would notice right away." She giggled.

The lecture felt longer than usual, probably since there was so much more material. My arms began to hurt after typing most of the information down onto my laptop.

I immediately packed everything after class and was about to go out, when Chaewon suddenly stopped me.

"I don't really know anyone here... would it be okay if I eat lunch with you? I don't have any afternoon classes." She showed me her schedule and it seems like we have the same one.

"Of course! But my boyfriend is also there, is that okay with you?" I asked and she laughed at my question.

"That's totally fine with me. Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" She replied and I smiled. We went on our way to the restaurant, where I already saw Yohan from afar.

"Hello!" I screamed and jumped onto him. Yohan chortled at me, not long before he kisses my cheeks very softly.

"You missed me that much?" He joked. His eyes made their way towards Chaewon, and his jaw dropped.

"Kim Yohan?" She stared at him in amazement. They both began laughing, and I stood there confused. "He's your boyfriend? Interesting."

"What's wrong with it?" He answered in a playful tone.

"I don't know. I would have just never thought that the day would come where Kim Yohan is in a serious relationship. It's odd, but you do you." She patted his shoulders.

We went inside the restaurant, and they both clearly forgot about me. It's okay...

"Oh! By the way, Chaewon was one of my closest friends back when we were still trainees, even until debut. Kinda parted away after disbandment though- but hey, it's really cool to see old friends!" He explained to me.

"Ah! That makes sense." I nodded before looking at the menu.

"How long have you two been together?" Chaewon smirked as she interrogated both Yohan and I.

"Not long ago." He responded.

"Understandable," She shrugged. "Let's see how long it'll last- no offence. Sorry Olivia, I'm not usually this mean. But your boyfriend's an actual f boy."

"Don't listen to her. She thinks all guys are f boys." Yohan shook his head.

"Well they are! Idol and trainee boys, to be exact. I won't ever date any of them again- so immature and conceited! They're literally the worst." She took a sip of her water.

"I'm not like that anymore. I learned my lesson," he assured Chaewon. "I'm serious about Olivia, and I'm not playing around anymore."



"Can you tell me more about Yohan? Please be honest... I really want to know who I'm with. Tell me what kind of person he is." I asked Chaewon right after Yohan left. He still has a few classes to teach back in the dojo.

"I mean, he's a very nice guy... too nice, actually. I don't really want to talk shit behind his back, especially to his girlfriend- but if I need to, then sure." She sighed before talking in another spoonful of rice.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything." I gave my full attention to her.

"Well, Yohan actually got into a lot of drama within the community. I don't know how he did it, but he was damn good at hiding. He always dated. Different girl every one, or three months at the latest. One time he dated one of my members, then at the same time slept with another one of my members also. It didn't go so well."

"Seriously?" I suddenly felt my stomach knot and I didn't feel like eating anymore.

"He's the type that gets what he wants then leaves. He was. I mean, Yohan probably changed- that was like years ago. Don't be discouraged, he probably really loves you."


I learned the dance to MOVE yesterday and I feel so accomplished shshshs

Song: Chan — Don't touch me, plz (Prod. 공기남)

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