54 | positive

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We currently arrived in Korea, just for a quick vacation. After wandering around Hongdae for a while, Yohan suddenly got a call from the boys.

"We're gonna have dinner with them." He told me and I began to feel very excited. I haven't seen them in such a long time.

We arrived at this fancy restaurant near their company, and was seated in a private room way at the very back. The boys were already there, waiting for us to arrive.

"They're here!" Dohyun screeched and everyone ran up to hug us. We sat down around the table and ordered so much food. I mean... feeding twelve people?

"When are you guys gonna have a baby? You two have already been married for quite a while. Any plans?" Seungwoo asked which kinda pushed me aback.

"Ahh... we've been trying a lot." Yohan looked down and pouted.

"Have you seen a doctor?" Junho questioned me in concern.

"Yes. Apparently, my fertility level is very low... but we won't lose hope. If we really have no other choice, then we'll get a surrogate or IVF instead." I explained and they all sighed in relief.

"I want children already too. We've already tried many methods and medications... we're just asking for one miracle." He added.

We spent the whole night catching up and having fun- the boys became so much more hyper after taking a few shots. I didn't drink any, since I'm currently on meds and it would cause side effects.

"Why don't you drink with them?" I asked Yohan, who's just sadly watching them from aside.

"If I get drunk, you'd have to carry me... I don't want that." He blushed and looked down.

"Hun, I have hella arm muscles. I can carry you any day," I rest my head onto his shoulders. "You can go have fun! You never think of yourself anymore."

"Well, you're technically my life now. I have to think of my actions and the consequences... last thing that I want is to hurt you again," he pecked the top of my head. "I don't need anything else."



"I feel so sick..." Olivia cried as she ran to the bathroom. I followed behind her, just in case.

"I'll go get some water." I grabbed a water bottle inside the fridge, and quickly ran over to give it. She suddenly threw up in the toilet.

"I think I ate too much yesterday." Liv held onto my leg and tried to breathe properly.

"Or maybe you're pregnant... just kidding." I stated but she looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"Every time you say that, it never happens. We've bought like what- fifteen pregnancy test kits before?" She sighed heavily.

"More than that," I kneeled down so that I could look into her eyes. "Trust me on this one. I'll go buy one from across the street."

"Buy me ice cream too. Quickly... I don't feel so good." Olivia leaned onto the wall, and I immediately blasted out to the convenience store.

I grabbed a few types of ice cream, then chose two different pregnancy test kits. The lady at the counter stared at me weirdly, so I just tried to avoid her eyes. I don't know if she was doing it on purpose, but she scanned the items so carefully and slowly. I began to feel very impatient.

After paying, I ran back to the hotel and saw Liv sitting there- looking very bloated. I handed her the kits, and she instantly tried them.

"After trying so much, I've lost hope. If this one doesn't work, let's go through with the IVF." She looked down, feeling extremely hopeless.

"Alright," I caressed her face and she giggled. "I'll always be by your side."

"I know." We waited a couple more minutes before turning the sticks around.

"Go ahead." I held her for support, and she nervously checked the results.

"Oh my gosh..."


"The other one?" I turned it around and it's also positive.

"I'm pregnant! T-This... it's real, right?" Liv began to tear up and so did I.

"Yes, hun- it's real. We're gonna have a baby!" I lifted her up and carefully spun her around.




Song: Newkidd (뉴키드) — First Spring (첫번째 )

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