45 | not fame, just you

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I just got to the dojo from school, then looked over my daily agenda for reference. So today is only a private lesson- perfect.

I set up the items that would be needed for class before changing into my dobok. Since it's Canada, of course the weather just gets even colder everyday and the heater has to be constantly raised up.

The front door began to open, so I quickly ran to meet the new guest.

"Welcome to TRP Academy! Nice to meet you-"

My heart dropped.

"I think we've met before," Yohan stared at me bittersweetly. "Where can I go change?"

"O-Over there." I pointed at the men's change room and he bowed down to me in respect.

Once he finally locked the door to the change room, I ran into the bathroom and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but tear up...

After all these years, I still love him. So much that it hurts me everyday. As much as I keep a strong front and attempt to move forward, it's hard when all I could think about is him.

The overwhelming feeling of pain, happiness and fear all came back again in a snap. I suddenly feel like I can't breathe.

I wiped away my tears with tissue paper from the stalls, and tried very hard to look as normal as possible.

I can't. I'm a mess.

I swallowed up the courage to finally go outside and face my fear... that is to meet Kim Yohan once again.

He was my worst nightmare but also my biggest dream.

"Did you stretch already?" I asked him first thing after coming back out from the washroom. My chest is burning and I just want to combust.

"Yup, I already did." Yohan tried looking at me but I kept avoiding his eyes.

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" I've never felt so awkward in my life.

"Let's do sparring. Promise, I won't kick you on the head this time." He suddenly reminded me of the good times... oh gosh.

We put on our protection gear and began sparring. I don't know if he's just pretending, but he's going way too lightly on me. Light but close.

"I give up," I tackled him down onto the ground. I stood back up to remove off all my gear and so did he. "Why the hell are you here?"

"To see you..." he kneeled down on both knees with his head down. "I'm so sorry."



"Please get out." Olivia looked somewhere else, not wanting to meet my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere," I stood up and walked towards her until her back hit the wall. "I missed you."

"Please stop..." A tear fell down her cheek and I catch it with my thumb. She put her hand over mine and began crying even more.

"Over the past three years, I've received tons of counselling and have already enlisted in the military. I've changed a lot, but there's one thing that didn't. I never got rid of your items... I kept on waiting for you to come back home and go get them."

"Yohan..." she remained speechless.

"I love you," The tears finally escaped my eyes and I just let them flow freely. "I'm sorry for ever taking my anger out on you, for degrading you, and for all the other things that I've done... I would understand if you can't forgive me, but I want you to know that I really do regret it. If I could just turn back time, I would have never done that. I let my huge ego takeover me."

"I wanted to forget about you... why did you have to come back? It hurts so much." She looked up and finally stared into my eyes.

I hope you can see how genuine my feelings are for you. You're the most important to me and I love you with all my heart.

"I thought of you every single day, using it as inspiration to make myself a better person. I've always told myself to work harder, so that when I meet you again, I can be the best version of myself. After you left me, I realized that my dream was not to become famous... my dream was just to be with you."


Bravo @axesthetic_idiot , you predicted it almost spot on!!!

Song: Paul Kim (폴킴) — Me After You (너를 만나)

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