47 | professional

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I immediately noticed how much Olivia's forcing herself to like him. It's almost funny, since Yunseong's the only one trying. Also kinda sad at the same time.

They're both very good skaters though, probably since they grew up here. I've only ever ice skated at Lotte World before, so yeah, I'm quite behind.

"Wait for me!" I screamed and everyone looked back. Great way to embarrass myself... I should be used to extreme embarrassment by now, after having to do years worth of aegyo.

I suddenly slipped onto Olivia, which caused us both to fall down. I swear I didn't mean it... but it turned out to be a great accident.

We stared at each others eyes for a while before I leaned down and kissed her. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and the kiss deepened.

"Get the fuck up." Yunseong pushed me away and helped Olivia. She looked back and giggled at me.



We went to a café after skating, just to warm up a bit. I can still feel the heavy tension between Yunseong and Yohan, and it makes me wanna laugh.

When he kissed me earlier... why did I pull him closer?

"Why do you keep calling her babe when you're not even dating? Have you ever thought that maybe it could make her feel uncomfortable?" Yohan stated.

"Why did you come back here? Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't want you anymore?" Good one, Yunseong.

"You're really annoying. Wow!" He clicked his tongue before taking a sip of hot chocolate. I just watched the two bicker- it's actually very entertaining.

"Let's fight over her." Yunseong suddenly suggested and I began to shake my head. Not a good idea.

"No, don't! He's gonna kill you- are you fucking insane?" I whispered to him, but he just wouldn't budge.

"Alright," Yohan snorted. "Let's go outside. If I win, you'll stop talking to her."

"Deal." Yunseong stood up and followed him. Did he forget that Yohan's literally a national athlete? He's dead in a flash.

"He's a fourth degree black belter!" I reminded him again, but he didn't care.

Yohan kicked him once, and he was immediately knocked out. It wasn't even a hard kick.

"Wake up, you're so embarrassing..." Yohan lifted him by the arm and his eyes shot up. Yunseong's arm is badly bruised after that one kick.

"Shit!" He suddenly realized what he've just done. "That's so unfair... you're a professional!"

"I warned you." I grabbed some snow from the ground and threw it directly at him. He used some of the fresh snow to put onto his newly bruised arm.

"She's mine now, then." Yohan put his arm over my shoulders.

"Not so fast... I'm not done with you yet." Yunseong grabbed some of the snow and began making little balls. He then started to throw it at him.

"Snow ball fight? Are you five?" He chortled but began playing along. Why do only immature guys like me?

One of the snowballs suddenly hit me, and I immediately went into game mode. They wanna play, huh? I'll give it to them.

"Maybe you two should date!" I hit them with my pre-made snow balls, and they both immediately surrendered.




I opened the door and immediately became irritated by Tony's presence. This bitch hasn't talked to me since Yohan arrived... he knows his wrongdoings.

"How's life?" He mischievously chuckled.

"Fuck you! Why'd you do that?" I pushed him onto the ground and began slapping his butt.

"Not there! I'm going snowboarding tomorrow- wanna come?" He suddenly mentioned, so I stopped.

"Really? Sounds fun," A smile creeped onto my face and I began packing. "Is it at your cabin? Your parents are coming?

"Nope, just me. We have the whole cabin to ourselves," he winked. "Just kidding, I'm bringing my girlfriend."

"Ah, she's coming..." I sighed. It's not that I don't like his girl, but she's not exactly the easiest person to get along with. She also hates me, since she thinks I'll steal Tony away from her. "I shouldn't interfere. I know y'all wanna..."

"No way! Go with us, please!" He pouted.

"Okay, I'll go."


I went to a concert last night and came home late sbdbdbd had to wake up early for school, now my head is aching fckkk

Song: CRUSH (크러쉬) — Bittersweet (잊을만하면)

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