46 | hold my hand

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Yohan walked me home from the dojo since it's already way too late. Apparently, he already knew were I lived because Tony told him. Tony was also the one who booked that private lesson... he's definitely gonna get a beating from me.

"Where are you staying?" It's not that I'm exactly concerned about him but... "Oh, and how long are you going to be in Toronto?"

"I've already bought one of those condominiums near your university. I'm staying here for good..." He mentioned which really shocked me.

"W-Why?" My eyes expanded twice in size. Everything still feels surreal.

"Because I want to be with you. I'll work really hard until we can be together again."

As much as I love you, I don't think you're the right one for me. Love shouldn't hurt this much... it's just not worth it.

"You're making awful choices. I'm already seeing someone else- I don't think he'll be very happy about this..." I suddenly thought of Yunseong. I'm still learning to like him.

"Dump him," Yohan didn't even hesitate to say. "I'm not gonna give up. I don't care who that person is."

"Yohan, I really don't want anything between us anymore. Please understand that I've already moved on..." I lied. "I'm already happy."



I began to unpack my stuff while thinking of what just happened.

I was actually able to see her, talk to her... and damn, I missed her. I just wanted to pull her into my arms, kiss her and tell her how much I love her.

But I can't because I've already lost her.

When she told me earlier that she's already happy with someone else, I suddenly began having second thoughts. Maybe this is why Junho warned me.

Would it really make me happy to see her suffer once again because of me? If she's genuinely happy with that guy, then should I just let her go? It's easier to be said than done...

I pressed my back against the side of the bed and sighed in frustration. I'm not so sure of what I want to do anymore...

Should I still run after her?



I patiently waited by the school gates, waiting for Yunseong since I promised to go ice skating with him today.

I stood there awkwardly while watching couples walk by hand-in-hand. They all seem so happy... I'm envious.

"Do you want me to hold your hand too?" Someone whispered, and I jumped up in surprise. Yohan stood there with a paper bag, smiling at me.

"What are you doing here?" My eyebrows furrowed as I questioned him.

"Let's go on a date. Oh, and I bought you some stuff from Korea..." He handed me the bag, but I refused. "It's all in your size. It'd be such a waste to just throw them away, right?"

"You didn't have to." I felt bad, so I finally took it. I stared down at my feet for the longest time, until I began to hear Yunseong's voice.

"Babe, why don't you cover up more? You might get sick." He took off his scarf and put it around my neck.

"Oh... I guess you two already have plans together." Yohan commented, looking extremely disappointed.

"Who are you?" Yunseong glanced at him for a while, before coming into a conclusion. "You're that asshole- Kim Yohan, right? How dare you show up here?"

"Calm down." I patted him, but he just clicked his tongue and stared Yohan down.

"Are you two dating? She seems very uninterested in you." He made a comeback, which really irritated Yunseong.

"Not yet, but at least we're getting there..." He nervously replied.

"I still have a chance then," Yohan smirked. "Do you have room for one more? Let's play fair."


Yohan or Yunseong?

Song: WOODZ — Meaningless (아무의미)

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