17 | babysitting

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Who's knocking at my door, six in the morning on a Saturday?

"Hi, Yohan!" My downstairs neighbour, aka my aunt- smiled at me with my baby cousin in her arms.

"Hello, imo. Bong Bongie's asleep?" I looked at him. She nodded before letting me hold him.

"Thanks, I'll come back tomorrow afternoon! Don't worry, I'll pay you back. Here's his stuff by the way. Bye!" She put the bag on the floor, and left before I could even say anything.

I have a two month old baby in my arms, with very little knowledge as to how to take care of him. The last time I did babysitting was when my sisters were still little, and that was like years ago. I never had to worry about changing diapers and all that.

I laid down Bonghee on my bed, and made a fortress of pillows around him. I zoned out after thinking of what to do next.

I grabbed the bag from the floor, and checked the items contained in it. A few bottles, formula, a lot of diapers, clothes and baby toys.

Now, what to do?

I took out my phone and dialled Olivia's phone without even thinking... I might have woke her up.

"It's so early, what do you want?" She asked with a morning voice.

"I kind of need help with something... can you come over? Please." I pleaded desperately. She hung up without responding and I just stood there, stressed.

I was about to sit down, when he suddenly then began to cry.



I knocked a couple times before Yohan opened the door, holding a little baby. So small and fragile... oh cute!

"Aww! Who's baby?" My heart softened at the sight of the little one. I absolutely love babies.

"Mine." He immediately said and my jaw dropped.

"You have a child? Why didn't you tell me?" I glared at Yohan and he gulped. He put down the child inside the stupid pillow fortress, before hugging me tightly.

"I was trying to look for the right time. I was afraid you wouldn't want to be with me... I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." He looked down and sighed.

"With who?" My eyes began to water and I felt so betrayed. Something this important should have been said before we became a couple. I'm having second thoughts right now and trust issues. "You should have told me ever since the beginning."

"I couldn't..." he looked up and a mischievous smile suddenly cracked upon his face. "Because I was just kidding! He's my cousin-"

"You little b- meanie!" I hit him while yelling quietly, trying not to wake the baby up. Yohan's really irritating sometimes.

"I mean, we can make one if you want. That'd be kinda nice." He winked and I gagged.

"Shh, don't say that. Not in front of the baby." I warned and he played along. Yohan pushed me onto the wall and kissed my collarbone lightly, before sucking hard.

"I mark what's mine." He looked at my lips then attacked it with his. This boy really...

"There's a baby in here." I pulled away and he just lustfully stared into my eyes.

"And there's gonna be another one soon, in your tummy. Let's do it on the couch," Yohan whined like a child. "He's asleep and won't even remember this."

"So? He's still a human being. I will never- when there's another person in the room... that's just so weird!" I pushed him away before going to stare at the baby.

"I was just joking..." didn't sound like it. He suddenly changes the topic. "His name is Choi Bonghee, by the way. We just call him Bong Bong because it sounds cute."

"He's adorable! Well I mean, in the future we can have one... or a few. Once I've graduated and have a stable job." I told him and he stared at me in awe.

"I love you." Yohan suddenly blurted out, making my heart skip a beat.

"Huh? That's so random." I laughed awkwardly not knowing how to respond. He already knows that I love him back, since I tell him everything.

"Sincerely, I've never felt this way before." He stared deeply into my eyes and I melted.

Yohan pulled me into his arms and we stayed like that for a while.



Song: CIX (씨아이엑스) — Imagine

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