35 | trash

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After two days of fun activities and chatter with the two girls, they had to leave for school. Totally wrong timing, since Yohan comes back today from the States.

I waited impatiently, looking at the clock every ten minutes while cooking some of his favourite food.

The door suddenly grew open and I quickly ran to it, waiting for him to come in. Yohan's looks super tired and annoyed... totally not what I expected.

"Yohan~ie, I missed you! Here, I made you some food." I showed him the dishes but he just fell down onto the couch.

"I'm not hungry." He shook his head and immediately fell asleep. Maybe he'll eat it once he wakes us... I put the food inside reusable containers so that he can easily just grab them whenever.

"Goodnight." I kissed his forehead before shutting off the lights.



I woke up with a huge headache and quickly took a shower to really energize myself up. I looked into our bedroom and notice Olivia still sleeping soundly.

Walking into the dining room, I noticed the dishes inside the containers.

Eat up bby<3 Congrats on your first overseas performance! I live streamed all of them and you guys did amazing:)

- Liv

I smiled at the small sticky note, then put it inside my wallet for keepsakes. Opening the containers, I immediately smelt the amazing scent and quickly put it into the microwave.

Taking the first bite, I couldn't help but gag. Is this supposed to taste like this? No offence... but did this go bad overnight?

I tried the other dishes but they all taste the same... I'd rather eat dog food. Did she even taste these before giving them to me? I threw all of them into the trash and started getting ready for work.

No resting days for idols. Consistent practice, heavy workload. No freedom, monitored words and actions.

I changed into practice clothes, and also picked up breakfast from a convenience store before heading over to the company.



I woke up and noticed that Yohan already left without waking me up. I pouted since I really wanted to spend time with him after his long absence... but I totally understand his circumstances. I'll just keep supporting him and not give him any more burden.

I noticed the empty containers in the sink and smiled, thinking that he must have really enjoyed the food. I worked hours to make all those dishes, but it payed off at the end.

I washed the dirty containers while whistling happily. After cleaning the kitchen, I opened the garbage to take out the trash...

Yohan threw away the food.

The food I worked so hard to make, the ingredients I bought with my own money. If he didn't like it, he should have just left it for me to eat. How many starving kids are out there?


Why did you throw them away?

That was such a waste!

You expect me to eat shit?

I worked hard to make that

I thought it would make you happy

I didn't ask for it

Why are you being like this?


"What the hell?" I scoffed, even more angry than earlier. Why is he acting this way? What did America do to him? Why is he making such a big fuss over food?

I yelled in frustration after throwing the trash into the garbage truck. I'm so annoyed by how he's been acting... is this a joke? Am I supposed to be laughing?

I know it wasn't such a huge deal... but it still makes me feel so upset. Yohan took my good action for granted and made it seem like I was at fault? Unbelievable.

I began doing some household chores to get my mind off things. While cleaning his luggage, I noticed the pack of condoms inside the front zipper... why is that there? Even when we do it, he never uses protection...

No way.

Is he cheating on me?



Song: ATEEZ (에이티즈) — WITH U

idol ⌮ kim yohan Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum