26 | attention

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"Hello! Can I take a picture with you?" A group of girls came up to me and began squealing. They look quite young, maybe high schoolers?

"I'm not allowed..." I pouted. "But I can give you a signature!"

"That would be lovely!" One of them handed me their school notebook.

They all gathered around me and bombarded me with questions about our comeback and all, but of course I couldn't give out much information. It's been so long since I've gotten this much attention, it somewhat feels foreign to me. I honestly missed the feeling.

"Thank you so much!" They all bowed down to me before leaving.

"No problem! Stay safe." I waved my hand before walking to the opposite direction.

I didn't realize how big my smile was until I saw my own reflection.



"I'm planning to go back to Toronto and just finish my studies there." Tony explained to me through face time.

"Why? Don't you like Vancouver?" I curiously asked him while eating a snack wrap.

"It's not that I don't like it... I just don't feel like I belong here, even though it's my hometown. Toronto is where my loved ones are, so I should really go back."

I suddenly felt like shit for being such a heedless child. All my life, I literally got to do whatever I wanted and my mom has always supported me... I've never even said thank you. I'll study really hard from now on and pay her back- I know she'll be so happy if I achieve dad's dreams.

"Whatever feels right. Tony makes big boy decisions now! I'm so proud." I began joking around.

"Hey, I haven't met your boyfriend yet," He wiggled his eyebrows while smirking. "Or have you been fooling me this whole time? I wouldn't be surprised, you're Olivia. Plus, Kim Yohan? That's really funny."

"I'm serious. You'll just never meet him though, because he's very busy-"

"I'm home." The door suddenly opened, revealing Yohan- looking extremely exhausted. He must have practiced a whole lot today.

"Oh, perfect timing! Yohan, come meet my best friend- he's also a big fan of your group." I gave my phone to Yohan and Tony's eyes grew wide.

"I thought Olivia was just joking. She's like obsessed with you! I can even send you a picture of her room-"

"You won't do that if you don't wanna die early, okay Tony?" I threatened him and they both laughed.

"What's wrong with her room?" Yohan asked curiously and Tony bursted into laughter. I glared at him through the phone, really wanting to kick him in the ass for being so annoying.

"Her wall is covered with your face. Literally, not a single corner of her room is blank. She even has three computers to stream you videos all at the same time, it's insane."

"Really? I'd love to see it! Please send the pictures." Yohan stared at me and smiled widely. He doesn't think it's creepy?

"It's weird to think that her favourite idol's now her boyfriend. It's quite amusing," Tony still seems dazed. "Whatever happens though, doesn't matter if you're the famous- please take really good care of her. If anything happens to her, I won't hold back."

"I will, don't worry. I love this girl so much and wouldn't dare to do anything that could possibly hurt her."



"Do it again." The director yelled at Minhee while we filmed for our music video. Flips are extremely difficult, and he was even just forced to do it.

After doing it a couple more times, he finally got a nice shot. The staffs didn't seem so pleased though, and it seemed to have really brought Minhee's mood down.

"Hey, don't think too much about it. You did a great job!" I patted his back.

The rest of filming went by smoothly until we had to do the group shots. Spacing was definitely one of the biggest problems, and everyone seemed so exhausted already. Hangyul accidentally hurt himself, and everyone else's legs started to become sore because of the difficult floor parts.

Despite all the madness, we still had a great time being together and attempting our very best for our fans- it felt quite fulfilling.

"And.... cut! Great work everyone!"


I received my X1 albums and got Dongpyo & Hangyul AR card, Minhee & Eunsang for bookmark and Seungwoo & Hangyul standees ahhhh<3

Song: UP10TION (엡텐션) — Attention (한테만 집중해)

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