30 | fansign slot

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"Go lie down, stop walking around. Remember what the doctor said?" I tried to get him to rest, but he just won't budge.

"I don't fucking care- I'm so mad at myself and this damn ankle. If only I didn't step so early... it's because of the shoe, the grip was so bad." Yohan threw a fit while looking for his favourite bear pyjamas.

"Here, I washed it earlier." I threw it at him and he changed in front of me.

"We had our first fansign event earlier, and all they asked was if my ankle's okay. I wanted to hear feedback about our music and stuff, but I couldn't even because of this damn injury." He ranted.

"They're just concerned. You already know that you're good- the comments say so too." I complimented Yohan to hopefully bring up his confidence.

"You don't understand how I feel. I mean, what do you know? You're not an idol or a trainee."



I might have offended Olivia earlier, and I swear I didn't mean too. No way was I trying to degrade her or anything, it just came out of my mouth because I was upset.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what I've said." I hugged her tightly from behind and she just closed her eyes.

"I'm not angry. I understand that you're stressed out about everything, so I'll just let it pass. I hope you don't say things like that to your friends though, I don't want you guys working in a tense environment."

"I know... thanks for understanding," I kissed her forehead. "By the way, how have you been? Sorry I haven't asked in a while."

"Well... ever since my internship at the dojo ended, I've been very bored because I have nothing to do. Mingyu and Chaewon have been keeping me occupied though, so I definitely need to thank them later on. Study wise, my grades have improved so much."

"Really? I'm so proud of you!" I honestly told her and we talked about random things for another twenty minutes.



I successfully got a slot to X1's second fansign event after purchasing fifty of the same album... anyways, I'll just sell them later on. Yohan doesn't know about it, but he doesn't have too- I'll just tell him that I used the one they gave me and hide all the other albums that I've bought.

Once I got inside the venue, I got to pick a random seat since I came pretty early. Well... at least I thought so. Fansite noonas have arrived way before me, and even began whipping out their big ass cameras. Although, I kind of thank them sometimes for their high quality pictures.

I checked my phone for a while and even streamed their MV since I don't really know what to do, and everyone seems too busy to even communicate with each other. I took out a pack of sticky notes, and started brainstorming questions I wanted to ask the members. It's more difficult than it sounds...

After a few more hours of waiting, the seats were finally filled and the boys began to come out. I noticed that Yohan's still limping, but he's hiding the pain through a loving smile.

The host introduced the group and even explained how the event worked, after a while we were then called down row by row to come line up. I held the sticky notes in my hands, waiting patiently for my turn. I totally forgot to buy gifts just like most of the people here, but it's okay since I buy them food all the time.

I've met them many times, and even live with the Kim Yohan... but why do I still feel so nervous?

"No way!" Minhee's eyes grew wide as I handed him my sticky note. He didn't say my name to try and not bring up any suspicion amongst the other One Its, and treated me as if I was just any other fan.

"Yohan hyung's gonna be so happy." Dongpyo winked while whispering. He did some aegyo, and the sound of camera clicks suddenly increased.

"You're here?" Yohan smiled widely as I finally got to him. I nodded and gave him my sticky note. "Olivia... what a pretty name."

"Thank you, Yohan~ssi." I played along.

Question: What's your ideal date?

Yohan began writing his answer in permanent black pen, while chuckling like he was possessed or something. He also signed my album and wrote a small note with my name on it.

Olivia, I love you. Thanks for coming today<3

Answer: cuddling at home while watching Netflix and eating takeout >.< will you take me on this date?

"You're such a flirt." I held his hand for a good twelve seconds before having to move onto the next person.


I have so much homework and essays to due huhuh can this semester just end already oh my goodness:(

Song: SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) — Second Life

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