Kuwento ni Lola Basya #44 - Unknown Caller

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It's raining outside, the moon started to dominate the whole sky, and we're inside the hospital. Everything seem's so busy doing their usual work not even paying attention for the other humane here inside. What a perfect scenario for our main reason why we here in the first place.

"Alas, someone's keep calling me. I badly need help it's really alarming." Summer approached me with a hint of panicked to her voice.

"Wait a minute. Is that how you greet your bestbud who just woke-up from a coma?" Yes, you heard it right I been here in hospital for like 7 months and just woke-up from being in coma.

"Argghhhh! You're fine, right? So why bother to ask beside this unknown number who keep calling me is really getting my nerves." Summer is summer she's still the girl who really into panicking state when something is not going to her plan.

"Just try applying the method of not-paying-attention-because it's not important at all." I just give her a plain looking directing to her eyes.

"Uhmmmpp! Watever, Alas I just gotta go and a badly need to go to cr. You know I just have my period." I knew it that's explained why her attidute is being grumpy-lady again.

"Cioa!" And with that she walk-out and making the door half-way open, I was just laying my back at the hospital bed when Summer cellphone keep blinking like I said to my bestbud awhile ago I just ignored it but the light coming from the cellphone plus the tune which is a kpop song it's really started to crawl my red button or limitation button. So I decided to just answered it.

"Hello?" Instead of a voice I just heard nothing but a long silence, I just wait whenever who the caller is but still silence greeted me, and I look who the caller name is after realizing I automatically answered it without looking the registered number. But to my shocked the caller number is not it my bestbud phonebook, I guess this is Summer pertaining to me awhile ago, and I wonder who is this or maybe it's just a secret admirer (cringe)

"Dude, or who the hell is you just please stop pestering my bestbud she's being grumpy because of you." I'm hoping that he/she will answered my remarks but to my horror an ere sound of air crawling to my ear.

"Fuck you, dude!" And with that I tapped the red button just to stop the strange call that giving me unexplainable goosebumps. I will just let darkness drown me but a familiar kpop songs keep ringing as I open my eyes to confirm it I was right it came from my bestbud phone and it still the same unknown caller.

"Back off, you scumbag!" Anger started to crawl at me, who the hell is this? Calling 11 midnight just to make fun of someone that's totally insane. Not like before that silence is the only sound I heard but right now a sound of someone is running and I guess wearing a sandal with heels keep bugging my ears who keep murmuring some random words like "Help me." "Someone is coming." Strange. But it indeed a familiar voice to me, I can't find the exact word to say, and sweat to my palms started to pop-out. The hospital light is now turning on and off without knowing why.

"Cut! That's it for this night. Have a pleasant night to all of you," a baritone voice just scream making the whole staff happier. Yes, it just another scene to our movie entitle "Unknown Caller" and I am Ace 'Alas' Garcia the main actor for this legendary movie.

"Ace, ace, ace! Nothing chance you still the Box Ofice King since day one." Director Paul just dropping me another good feedbacks. But I just give him a timid smiled and maybe he use to it me being aloof despite the fact the camera is my life.

"I gotta go! And Lea said she need to go home. You know his twin sister died after being rape." By just mentioning Lea twin sister it give me some dizziness in my head. Strange.

"I badly need to loosen-up, Direct. May I excuse myself?" He just give a nod and I think that's my cue to re-fresh myself and go to rooftop for awhile. Loud noise came from public transportation, random people talking, and light coming from different buildings welcome me as soon as I step at the rooftop. Typical Maynila scenario. But the dizziness I feel still there so I tried to calm myself by closing my eyes and decided to sit as darkness locked me instead of feeling relieve but blurry scenarios keep flashing on my mind, an image of two people, forest are bugging me. A loud ring coming from my cellphone finally wake me up from the nightmare I have awhile ago I decided to tapped to answer button of whenever that unknown number calling me.

"Hey!" But a loud scream just visit my ears I covered as soon as I listen to it and again strange feeling started to crawl to my system.

"Hide! He's coming to hunt you." Everything seems so fast suddenly I found myself lying at the cold floor of the rooftop with a chest pain as I tapped my shoulder a red liquid cover my hands and everything went black.

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