Kuwento ni Lola Basya #56 - Taimu Toraberu

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"Time is money," Atom said it was indeed busy around while looking for everyone who currently working.

"Atom, are you really sure you wanted to do this?" I am just simple seeing the girl that I love the most.

"I been doing this project since I became a well known scientist... so why would I scared now?"

"But Atom you know how risky it is." Elle is now hugging me like we will never see each other again.

"I love you my Elle just please take care of yourself while I am not around." I kiss and hug her so tight like I did not want to lost her in my life.

It is been a year since me and my girlfriend survived in this so called pandemic lurking to our country, luckily for me and my girlfriend and the rest of my team who also a part of this project, 90% of the population they did not live that longer since the vaccine they have it is just a free trial they became the mass tester. We created a time machine that can go to the future since we don't want to stay there any longer it seems really a ghost town for year 2021 month of June.

"Sir Atom, the time machine is already set they already prepared the right amount and speed to deliver you to the year 2030." Axel is now writing some important notes to record our first trial to our project.

"Okay Axel I'm well prepared," I said full of confidence while fixing my suit and the watch that Elle give me for our anniversary.

I am now standing inside the tube which there's a lot of buttons inside and they also connected some wires to me. Axel is now looking me and the rest of the team if I will said the signal words they will click some buttons, adjust the arbitrary point in the space time to send me in my location before I signal them I saw my girlfriend standing with Alex who is now crying and feel worried, I uttered her the word I love you when everything spinning and they have a blackhole the seems eating me system I just found myself inside of the hole.

YEAR 2030

Car is flying, their is lot of building in the surroundings and instead of human I saw a robot who keep roaming in the street. Before they notice me I already hide myself in the tube which seems like a modern house for them.

"Sir Atom, can you hear me?" It feel worried while seeing how this world could be like this which is the exact opposite of my world."

"Atom, why are you so quiet?" I suddenly distracted by voices and I almost forgot that I am wearing the small device that Axel give me to stay our connection.

"Yes, I can heard you and I am already here successfully entering the future world." I am inside the tube and the surroundings is now getting dark but as I looked above their is no moon or stars but instead a big circle that connected to the entire city.

"Atom, can we go now with you? It is safe now there?" It is Elle voice that I heard right now, she seems so excited and longing to see me.

"Stop! It is just half of the day since I arrived here and we doesn't know if year 2030 is safe for us to travel." Robots is the new human here in their world I might find a way to change their city while dealing with them.

"I need two months to deal with them and after that I will call you again if I will succeed to my plan," my voice cracked I know because it really still a void plan but I don't want to disappoint my team especially my girlfriend.

"Ju--just please stay safe there my Atom," Elle voice is now crying but before I answered her their a red dot pointing my forehead.

"Put down your equipments and come with me," a monotonic voice of a girl now talking me.

"I am no harm miss I am just here to have some offer with you." I am now standing firm behind her, she is not a human but a robot who has a feature of a girl in her mids twenties and now with her non-existent emotion I know she already confused about my statement.

"State your agenda before I am going to kill you." She is now pointing me the device she's holding.

"I came from year 2021 I am here to offer my other team to be your alley whenever you want to study another devices." She is now paying me attention so I grabbed the chance to even get closer to her.

"My team is great scientist from our world we can help this city to be more advance when it comes to technology or some devices that can be more helpful to your different mission," my voice is literally shaking yet I don't want to revise the card since I already started it.

"What did you mean? You keep blabbering nonsense... Are you some error device that the system throw you away?"

"No, I just want to help your city to be well known I can assure you that. Miss?"

"Miss Techno XY230," she answered me.

"Should we go on to more comfortable place?" She just simple nod and walk while I just stay at her back while she is walking firmly.

It might seems darker now but the whole city is indeed have a devices that the light still flicker, robot is doing their job while they saw me they have these suspicious like they wanted to murder me.

"Don't mind them as long as you stay on my side you will be safe." Miss Techno and me is heading to their main building this one is the tallest among the building in the city.

It has been two months since I signed that contract that indicated my work being the only human who has the rights to live there and the same time I am working as full time scientist invented different devices that can help their city such like the holograms that can easily determine some danger while connecting.

"Atom, someone is looking you outside." I am busy doing some difficulty because of the error of some system when Techno arrived.

"Okay then," I answered her casually but to my surprised I am now standing with Alex and Elle with their white hair and seems like they reached the age of 60s.

"A--Atom, is that you my love? It seems decade yet you still remained like twenties." Thats it the time frame here and their year is really different.

"So--sorry! But I did not know what you are talking about." I swallow hardly before looking her firmly, I don't want to risk their lives especially Techno is holding the gun that I use to invented to instantly kill someone.

"Atom! It is me Elle and your best friend Alex we wait you too long yet you doesn't responding and our time capsule is ruin by some bugs so that is why we make another one but it took as this long to finish it," Elle with her monologue she seems longing to see me yet I cannot do anything they will kill us if they keep blabbering and will stay their any longer, my devices is ruin by Techno since the day she found out that I have a planned to take over their city and the contract indicated if my companion will come they will kill us. Yes, I worked with them but it doesn't mean that my life is not in danger because they city been updated and at the same time offering more advance technology.

"Atom, you promise us but how can you been enjoying life there while in our year we are suffering just to see you again. We even take risk with our group they die because of you."

"Techno, just send them again to their time capsule I am heading to my office," I turn my back with them I can heard Elle and Axel rants even with their white hair they still have the guts to murmured.

"As you wish Atom." Techno is smiling seems like she won something with a big prizes while seeing my watch that Elle give me for our anniversary my heart keep shattered that how can my life turn to be like this. Time is indeed a money every spend is worth of price that hard to pay such like human life or even a day you wanted to be back yet even the time capsule cannot do it because everything has their limitation.

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