Kuwento ni Lola Basya #46- Death Note of Primo

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Just like the another typical School scene I'm in my locker area were I decided to put my things for my next subject. But not until someone came who suddenly annoyed me just like he always did to me. Why me? Just maybe I am the Student Supreme Vice President who wanted to kick-out him but I just can't make it.

"Hey, Channel. Watcha doin' right there?" It's the annoying jerk again non-other-than, Primo Araneta. He's is the type of typical hearthrob student, basketball mvp, and a dancer, but he always scolded me whenever I am around.

"As you can see this is my locker and I have the rights to put whenever want I wanted to put there," I throw him my most dangerous tune.

"Woooo! It's too early to be a dragon, young lady." He just smirked and tapped my shoulder as if he's enjoying the scene he currenly created right now.

"Will then Mr.Araneta I don't want to be one of your collection so better back off because you just wasting a time." I raised my middle finger which leave him and the raise of his gang in disbelieve. That's my cue to leave them after I'm done doing putting all my things in my locker.

"Psssttt! Channel?" As I heard President Zafarah voice I automatically turned my head to my back.

"Primo, he's just wanted to give these." I raised my eyebrow while getting the crumble papers. Yes, with s.

"What's this?" I ask her but she just move his shoulders as a gesture of I don't know and she's back listening to Ma'am discussion.

As I decided to read what's written in the crumble papers as soon I finished reading those words such like "Help me" Save this man" "Somebody is drowning." I lifted my gaze were Primo seated one sit apart from me. There he is who waggling his eyebrows while looking also at me.

"What?" I mouthed that word for sure he understand it because he just give me a pa-cute smile. The nerve of this guy.

And with that shitty attidute with him I just give him the favorite hand gesture of mine. Yup, for the nth time I give him my dirty finger he deserve.

"Miss, Dela Fuente. Is that how the SSG Vice President should act during the subject that will talk about having a prim and proper manner?" Mrs. Castro voice is now dominated in the four corner of our room.

"Pardon, Ma'am." I just give her my most plastic smiled just to ease the tension inside the classroom since all eyes on me. While my classmates giving me an amuse look who would not be that's such an angelic act coming from their demonic SSG vice president.

"Okay then." And with that she's back to teaching while me I just landed my sight to Primo while giving him my death-glare look with that the jerk just answer me with a smirked. The nerve.

"Since we have a meeting our class will resume tomorrow," ma'am said that make the whole class happier than they are. While I am done doing my things I gonna go as fast as I can to make Primo stop going out to the door while sending me a dagger look.

"You first, milady." He stated such like a gentlemen which contradicted to his real persona.

"Naahhh! Stop that goody-good act, Primo. Btw, what are those scribble in the crumble papers... mean?" I ask with a plain look as if I'm concern or what to him.

"Nothing important. Uhmmm... can you go to my place at 8pm this night? I have something to open-up to you." He seems lost, vunerable, and someone like wanted to receive the real meaning of home in short span of time his eyes telling that to me.

"I will try." Amused by my answer but I have this feeling that it was the right to say it to him.

"I wait, Channel. See you then." Before I can answer after being tounge-tied because for the first time he called me by my name, he even smiled a pure one, and by that he gone to my sight. Weird, Jerk.

"Pssttt... are you coming?" It's already 8pm but I am still here in my room and so lazy to get up to come to Primo condo unit. Back of my mind swirling like 'what's with him?' It's not like I am so tough to their sight that will save them ass from any misery their facing. I am not a fucking sin or what.

"Please. You're the only one that can help me about this, Channel." Another message coming from him weird and creepy. There's a lot of messages still pop-out in the messenger coming from him but I don't give a care and just give myself a break allowing darkness to eat me whole.

Sun heating up making my system energize on my way to locker room do get the book I need from my next class some students that I am passing will greet me or simple nod as if their recognizing my presence as a SSG vice president of them. Weird. That's the only adjective I must said since I stepped inside I never see Primo Araneta presence that's new since I'm already immune of his hobby which throwing me nonsense remarks of him to make my mood ruin which he always won the battle.

"Channel... uhmmmm! Wa-Wait up," Ria catching her breathe seems like she's running a kilometer just to see me. I just raised my eyebrow and checking her like some predator aiming for her prey is not like I am that bad but this girl right her is the SSG President that's is why so strange her seeing like losing her prim and proper image.

"What's up gal?" I just question her since I'm in hurry because any minute from now the school bell will ring signaling us that class will start.

"So--Sorry, but I think you have the right to know this even you don't have connection at all," she said it which concern written all over his face now.

"Spill the beans, Ria." I raised my voice to show to her how I am getting pissed right now.

"Pr--Primo, his death the cop said he hung his body by the rope," the moment she said those words is like my whole system any minute from now will going to shut down.

"N--Noooo! Freaking way. You're just joking, Ria this is not funny at all." I'm being hysterical not paying attention by the daggers I received coming from my classmate or even schoolmates.

"He chatted you before he commit suicide that's the way of him asking for someone presence to listen his agony. Channel, he being diagnose by depression since he became product of a broken family." With that I open my cellphone and log in to my facebook account and my messenger flooded with Primo messages but the last message of him caught my attention saying 'I guess you're not coming after all just like them you don't have also feeling, young lady. You tough SSG Vice President by the way check your locker this not a request rather than a command'

Without any hesitation I open my locker and with one paper locked to my black orbs when I open it tears flow to my eyes.

I don't know why but I choose you as my saving line but just maybe I see as tough young lady that I admire you for being like that also I admit I am being jerk to you that's my way to paid attention to me. Whenever I saw you getting pissed because of me my depression even in short span of time it vanish for awhile, Yes, I am being diagnose of depression since my family being wreck by the catastrophe happen to our home it may not be obvious because of my persona I have but I completely ripped, chaos, and misery inside. Maybe if you reading this now I am forever vanish in your life but always remember...

"I love you so much, Channel and sorry for being coward to commited suicide just to run away from the pain I been in my entire life." I heard the jerk voice for one last time and that's it I'm totally eat by darkness with heavy feeling.

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