Kuwento ng Lola Basya #47- Empty Paradise of Milady Bélla

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"La vie est belle," you spoke like some fallen angel is talking with me. I'm maybe not Spanish to understand what you said, but somehow it makes my system calm like how I found myself smiling while witnessing the waves dancing in my black orbs.

"I never know 'bout how blessed I am not until the day I met you, mi more," my voice is full of sincerity while talking to the most precious gift that I have been dreaming to have. Your just simple smiled to hug me tight, and I saw how your eyes shine like the sun rays that hitting on my nerves.

"Milady, you're special to me, to the point that I will protect you against all the catastrophe that will wreck to my safety haven. I stay no matter what life challenges bring us."

Together with the cold air of the month, I just wake up from the reality that ever since the day you leave keep hunting on my memories, that it was all part of the past-the warm smile, words of wisdom, a tight hug that consider as my safety haven. You leave me hanging without saying even a simple goodbye, now I'm here to our favorite spot which is the only witness of how we share our first and last and how waves drown as apart. The memory is still vivid to my mind-as if it was just happened yesterday. It was our first met after we met through most unexpected path, a year ago here in the spot where I'm staying, we like a normal couples sharing their sweet lines, he even said that he will never leave me because I'm special to him. Now here I am questioning my worth that after the cloud nine feeling-a tsunami came and slapped me enough to make me awake of the illusion that a man like you was never be mine, and I'll be just a vacation house to you.

"Milady Bélla, what are you doing here?" Shocked by the sudden voice that interrupted my drama scene, I was to hit that intruder but to my surprised it was him-my fallen angel.

"S--Skye, Why?" I don't know but for me, that is the only question that I can utter with liquid in my black orb keeps falling as if the big waves splashed to my face.

"Lo siento, Milady." And with that, I just found myself hugging him like I'm a mermaid who finally came back to her throne in the deep, blue, calm home call paradise.

"Dada, why are you hugging her?" While allowing me to be at my paradise, an innocent girl with ponytail hairstyle suddenly pop-out with an innocent yet questioning look.

"Bélla, please..." One word but thousands of feeling like some whale and other sea creatures swimming in my system. I released him even thought it symbolizes that I should keep myself distant because no matter how calm the ocean for me, it still dangerous to swim beyond.

"Princess it is nothing, come here baby and let's swim," his voice was calm as ever, before he goes-his blue eyes saying to me that I should now forget him, that I should move-on from the past. He run after his little girl is now dancing with the waves and followed by a beautiful woman that I assume his wife base on how they treated each other. A perfect family scenario yet I'm here looking them afar in this paradise that each of us should be bliss but base on my face immediately I look like a girl in the dull paradise. Gray, abandon, and seems like I'm a lost child in the middle of nowhere. A paradise that once I considered my home now I'm started to describe it with a nonstop bloody adjectives-my heart started to wrecked into a tiny bit of sand because in simple tidal waves you leave me drowning.

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