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Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a village near the forest.  Whenever she went out, the girl wore a red cloak, so everyone in the village called her Red.
One morning, Reds' mother asked her if she could take one of the elders food.
"That's a good idea," Red said.  So they packed a nice basket for Red to take.
When the basket was ready, the girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye.

"Remember, go straight to the elder Edna house," her mother cautioned.  "Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers!  The woods are dangerous."

"Don't worry, mom," said Red, "I'll be careful."

But when Red noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother.  She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more.

Red was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her...

Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her.

"What are you doing out here?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster.

"I'm on my way to see my elder Edna's who lives through the forest, near the brook," Red replied.

Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to Ednas house.

The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut...

The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Ednas and knocked lightly at the door.

"Oh thank goodness dear!  Come in, come in!  I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," She said thinking that the knock was from Red knocking .

The wolf let himself in.  He shift into his human form facing Edna giving her a fair warning. "She is my Young mate, you dare curse me with a human!?" He asked.
Edna curse the king and queen first born to be a beast. "Your father has taken only person I love, you and your family will know pain."

The wolf grew impatient and annoyed in her presence. "Why must I suffer for my fathers sin?"
Seconds later, Red knocked on the door.  The prince shift into wolf form and jumped out of the window.
"Who is it?"  She called in a cackly voice."It's me, Red."

"Oh how lovely!  Do come in, my dear," croaked the old woman. When Red entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her.
"Your voice sounds so odd.  Is something the matter?" she asked.
"Oh, I just have touch of a cold,"
She said as cough escape her mouth, knowing she didn't have long in this earth.
"Come closer little one." She said as red edged closer to the bed.

"Now my dear, my days are number. You will find love an unusual form but in order to break the curse, your love must be pure."

"But!" said Little Red not understanding her.

"A life will be born that will prophecy a new era of bred. A savior of our kind."
Her voice quivering slightly.

Red still being confuse at the elder news decided she was losing her mind from the fever.

"Okay." Was all she mange to say.

As Red grew up lived most of her life in love with the man who was secretly a wolf but...
He held from her the dark secret until their child was born a wolf.
Out of desperation Red killed her self leaving the wolf alone with their child.
Red never knew he was a prince or even a wolf, as she saw this birth as abomination to man kind."


"But mom why would school lie to us?"
Ask my over zealous Six year old child Gabriella.
She wasn't yet aware of her wolf since we lived with humans but knew the real story that was told to me as a child.
"Well baby, like most fairy tales it gets change around."
Her eyes blink as she look up in the air lost in thought. Making O expression with her rosy pink lips.
Gabriella was everything Oracle said she was. Strong and beautiful.
I keep her hidden from our kind, scared she wouldn't make to her destiny.

Here I was years later

Here I was years later "Mom?"

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