Chapter 21: The Test Begins

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The room was filled with fifty or more Genin from different villages who are representing their homeland in the exams. These Genin ranged from ages of fifteen through eighteen and most of them had scary look on their faces. Just from a glance, I knew that all twelve rookies were the first youngsters to partake in this exam. There was some excitement nearby and glance over to the group with Ino hugging on Sasuke. I stroll over toward them, "You guys seem pretty lively."

Naruto grins like an idiot, "I'm ready to win believe it!"

Shikamaru sighs, "This is such a drag."

I laugh while leading into Shikamaru, "Don't be like that besides this exam gives us the opportunity to grow as a ninja."

"That's too much hassle and responsibility to take on, " His brows furrow in displeasure. The group happily chats with each other until a white-haired boy wearing glasses walks toward us. My eyes immediately widened, It's the boy with Orochimaru that I saw from the land of whirlpools. His reaction was faint when he spotted my face within the crowd and instantly knew that he recognized me. My eyes scan at his appearance and his headband was affiliated with the leaf village.

He smiles, "Hi, my name is Kabuto. You guys should quiet down because you're rubbing people the wrong way. The exams have the participants on edge already and the way your behaving makes it seem like you don't have respect for others." After that lecture, everyone glimpses around to notice the people giving us dirty looks. I wasn't phased by their intimidating stare but the others we're worried about it. They were quiet while scanning the whole crowd feeling discouraged by the sheer number of people.

Naruto points at them and proclaims, "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU ALL!!!! BELIEVE IT!!!"

Shikamaru freaks out, "Naruto, you just put targets on our backs!"

I chuckle, "At least it's never boring besides he's too ignorant to be afraid." Sakura hits his head and apologizes for his rude behavior.

Kabuto begins again, "It's nice to meet you all."

My brow arches while eyeing the cards sticking out of his pocket, "What are those cards for?"

He pulled them out, "My data on the chunin exam participants, their abilities, mission rooster, and where they're from."

"This isn't your first time taking the exam, " I inquire while the others listen more intently. He explains that the exams are a difficult trial of testing your skills and abilities to survive based on what you've learned. Sasuke seems interested in his info cards and could see his eyes flash with possible names he wanted.

Sasuke walks up, "I have two people in mind: Gaara of the Sand and Rock Lee of the Leaf." He tells us that Rock Lee specializes in taijutsu and Gaara is a mystery just like the recent upcoming villages. Everyone was confused by these villages because they didn't exist until a couple of years ago.

I say, "You're talking about the Sound and the Dark villages."

Kabuto nods but his eyes were smiling at me, "You're certainly informed."

"I do my best." There were fast movements running all over the classroom and I wasn't the only one who noticed. My eyes easily followed all their moves along with Kabuto who didn't take his eyes off them. One sound ninja guy takes a swing at him and his reflex was to move his head out of the way of this guy's fist in time. At the same time, a guy from the dark village tries to grab ahold of me but I jumped high into the air and backflipped landing behind him. Kabuto smiled then collapses on the floor and pukes. My eyes narrow, it was that kind of attack that uses sound to attack the body instead of physical force.

My feet were glued to the surface and a dark shadow was underneath me. I sense how strong his chakra was and overwhelmed it with my own breaking his hold. My chakra cracked the floorboards and sent the assailant crashing into the wall. I turn on my steely gaze at his partners, "I suggest you don't try anything or bad things will happen, I promise."

The sound guy with bandages says, "We're going to win this year's chunin exams write that in your info cards." I drill my eyes into the dark ninja's eyes and saw that his brown eyes had no sense of light in them. He seemed almost inhuman like a predator hunting for his prey. I never diverted my eyes but his action causes my bloodlust to leak out in dark waves. The background noise turns silent and heavy breathing could be heard. The tension was high in the air you could cut it with a knife and neither one of us yield from glaring at each other. My fingers twitch near my kunai just itching to draw it. I've felt this sensation before where it's killed or be killed.

The door slams loudly open and a male yells, "Hey! What do you two think you're doing fighting each other is strictly forbidden!" My senses snap back to the surroundings and immediately recognize this voice as Ibiki Morino.

The guy shrugs, "Sorry, you know how it is when your itching for a fight." Everyone behind Ibiki laughs and the chatter begins again as normal. I slowly retract my hand away from my knife trying not to let the bloodlust control me.

I smirk, "Did that involve killing me before the proctor came inside?"

It happened for a second but his eyes turned icy then returns back to normal, "I guess you'll never know." This unknown guy returns to his seat with the rest of his teammates. The dark village squad had my body on edge because of their motives they were still unclear to me. My first impression was why did they go after me out of everyone in the classroom. This was an unprovoked attack that didn't need to happen. Did talking about them cause a disturbance to respond in such a negative way.

Ibiki's voice snaps me back to the present, "Pipe down you baby face degenerates! It's time to begin. My name is Ibiki Morino as from this moment your worst enemy."

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