19 ➳ Lila's Almost Doppelganger

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A normal morning in the Rivers household would either consist of my brother almost knocking my door off of its hinges to wake me up for school which results in me having a near death heart attack or not being able to kiss Dylan O'Brien, or I'm awoken by the soft sound of the forest birds calling out to their friends and the sweet smell of my brothers famous pancakes.

And today I was in luck. 

I sprung out of my warm bed, only grey track pants and black shirt hung on my body, I quickly ran down the wooden stairs and made my way into the kitchen were my brother was standing, holding a pancake flip.

Sam was dressed in matching grey track pants to me, his toned chest bare and his feet covered by his beloved slippers.

"What's all this?" I asked out loud as I grabbed a plate and tried not to drool at the large plate of pancakes that were stacked on the kitchen bench.

"Good morning to you too." Sammy laughed, keeping his eyes on the pancakes, making sure that they don't burn.

"Good morning." I mumbled out as my mouth was full of mushed up pancake, strawberry and Nutella, "Back to what I first asked, what's all of this?"

"Welp sneaking out is hungry work." Sam said casually as he flipped another pancake, "Thought your sneaky ass would need a good old feed of pancakes."

I nearly chocked on the mixture of heaven that seemed to dance around in my mouth. Did he really just call me out on sneaking out?

"What? I-I mean I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to sound casual and also made sure to not look that boy in the eyes otherwise he would be able to see right through my pathetic lie.

"Don't try and lie. He paused, "Your still aware dads a cop, right?" 

That would have to be one of the dumbest things my brother has said, of course I know that my dad's a fucking cop but hey that's not going to stop me from sneaking out.

"Yeah?" I asked confusedly, "Your point is?" 

"We know you've been sneaking out to god knows where, meeting with god knows who." he answered as he turned off the stove and put the last pancake onto the large stack.

"How do you- wait we?" I asked as something inside my brain clicked, "You told dad?!"

"Of course I told dad, I was worried about you." Sam whined from across me.

That's complete and utter bullshit.

"You're supposed to be my brother!" I spat, "You should have come to me first not went straight to dad."

"Dad doesn't even care so chill." Sam rolled his eyes as he shoveled pancakes, raspberry and ice-cream into his mouth.

"Then why the fuck did you feel the need to snitch on me?" I asked him suspiciously.

Why in the hell did my brother have the nerve to tell dad for dad to not even care? Like can Sammy just mind his own damn business and not be trying to 

"Eden, you've only been here a month and you're already sneaking in and out of the house, meeting up with..." he paused waiting for me to answer it for him.

"A friend." I stated calmly.

"I thought you said that you hadn't made any friends?" 

"Well for your information I have." I took a deep breath, "you're the one that's told me to go out and make friends and shit when I didn't want to and now that I have your all in my face about it."

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