66 ➳ Blood, Tears, And Heartbreak

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For what feels like the millionth or maybe billionth time the past few days my mind has managed to find it's way to thinking about my ex-boyfriend, Miles Hale, but this time it was different from the many many other times.

My thoughts weren't about how gorgeous he was or how badly I was missing him. They weren't about our memories that I have been longing to keep recreating with him. They weren't about his soft hair or brown eyes; they were neither about his soft kisses and gentle touch.

Instead, it was about the information that he had told me the night of his party which was only a few days ago now. I hadn't allowed myself to think about it as I was still wishing upon every star that it wasn't true what he had told me.

That being he killed Arden.

But sadly, it was, it was more than true and I couldn't keep making excuses for why it isn't as Lakyn had told me himself that everything Hale had revealed to me was nothing but the truth. He saved me the gory details as he kept it short and simple by confirming the truth.

I just don't understand how they had managed to keep this from me and Lila as well for that matter I presume. Hale had told me everything, we didn't keep secrets from each other, well I thought we didn't but I guess not.

Apart of me wants to hate him for keeping this from me but at the same time, I can't because I to have kept a large secret from him, which I am still keeping. I guess that is my form of Karma for keeping Boston being here a secret.

I just wish it didn't have to hurt this bad.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go out for dinner tonight." Boston stated cheerily as his hand slowly stroked its way up and down my lower though to my knee.

We are currently in our Monday study period which means there's not too much longer till I can go home to Boston's apartment and go for a nice relaxing bath before I have to go out and put on a happy façade.

I nodded my head with a smile, "Yeah sounds great."

"Then after we could go and catch a movie maybe or even go for a walk somewhere and get ice cream." he whispered with a smirk as he then looked over his shoulder to make sure that the librarian wasn't going to yell at him.

Once again I nodded my head with a smile as I couldn't help but overhear what everyone else in the room was talking about, the main subject being graduation. Everyone is so hyped over it because graduation is in only two weeks which means there is only two, well one more week after this one, left until we all graduate and leave this crazy place.

Boston still hasn't completely made up his mind over whether we are going to move to Australia once graduation is over. I seriously hope that he does allow us to move there and start completely and utterly fresh.

I'm kind of sick of pretending all the time.

Yawning I stretched my arms out as I stood up from the table that only Boston and I had been sitting at, "I'm going to go get a book."

Boston nodded as I walked away and off to the fiction book section. Lately, all I've been doing is reading, when I'm not watching Netflix. My favorite would have to have been the Twilight saga books. Even though I've seen the movies I've enjoyed reading about them.

You would think that I would use the study period as a time to actually study but I have completed all of the work that is necessary. I got most of it done the first few days I had stayed at Boston's apartment as it was something that needed to be done and I had heaps of time.

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