5. Moxiety 💙/💖 pt 2

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Mention of rape

Virgil saw the panic in Patton eyes before he was in the dark sides realm.

"D-dont," he begged, trying to get away. He backed into the wall and looked up with wide, terrified eyes at Remus and Deciet.

"You dont get to tell us what to do," Deciet said. He looked at Remus, who seemed to be struggling to not attack before told.
"Alright," Deciet said. Remus smiled wide, making Virgil even more afraid

Patton sobbed in Logans arms, before pulling away and running to the door.

"Patton, wait!" Roman yelled after him, quickly following. Logan groaned, rolled his eyes and ran to follow the two.

"Patton," Logan said, grabbing Pattons arm to stop him from entering the dark side.
"I have to save him," Patton said, pulling away from Logan. Logan sighed and they went inside quietly.

The sounds of Virgils screams filled their ears, and Roman knew he needed to grab Patton and cover his mouth.

Patton fought but calmed after a moment.
"Dont give our place away," Roman whispered in Pattons ear. Patton nodded and Roman let his mouth go, but still held him around the middle.

"Stop!" Virgil screamed as Remus kept beating him. "I'm sorry!"
"No you aren't," Remus growled. "Not yet at least,"

Patton heard Virgil scream again and started crying.
"We have to find him!" He said to the others. They nodded and Roman let Patton go so they could find their anxious friend. Roman looked around the corner, sword in hand

Roman gestured for the two to follow him and they slowly moved to a door. Virgils screams and crys were coming from inside it. Patton couldnt control himself and pushed the door open, running inside. Remus paused momentarily, and Deciet growled.

"P-Patton, get out of here!" Virgil cried, trying to get then to leave.

"Not without you," Roman said, pulling Patton back to avoid him getting hurt.

"Get out," Deciet hissed at them, blocking their path to Virgil.

"Dee, why dont we show then what we do to him?" Remus suggested smiling. Deciet nodded.
"Get them," he ordered. Remus appeared behind then before they could leave and pushed Logan forwards, so he pushed Roman and Patton into the room more. Remus shut and locked the door and Roman tried to protect the others the best he could. But it was useless, as Remus knew how to avoid Roman's moves and got Logan. He pinned Logans arm behind his back and pulled him away from Roman.

"Lo!" Patton cried, gripping Roman's arm. He noticed Virgil had been left, on the floor and ran to him.

Virgil pulled Patton close, holding onto him.

"You're bleeding," Patton said in horror.
"I'm ok, nothing new, really," Virgil groaned, looking down at his bare chest, blood dripping down.

"We need to get you out of here," Patton said. He suddenly felt a hand in his hair, pulling him up forcefully. He cried out in pain and stood, feeling his head pulled back. Deciet smirked at him, and Patton felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

"Patton!" Virgil sobbed, seeing Deciet cut him. Patton cried out in pain and Deciet dropped him. Remus had tied Logan and Roman up, and smirked at Patton who was now trying to stop the bleeding

"I think I would be more fun if they saw one of their own being cut, too," Remus said smiling. Deciet nodded at the suggestion.

"No," he said. (A lie, he means yes)
He pushed Patton down beside Virgil, and smiled down at them.

Patton lay on his side, sobbing as he held his stomach, still bleeding.

Virgil had been taken away by Deciet and Patton could hear his crys and occasional moans. He hated the sound, knowing Virgil was in danger and being hurt.

"Dont you like the sound of the emos moans?" Remus asked smiling.

"Why are you doing this to him?" Roman raged, fighting against the ropes holding him.
"Because it's fun!" Remus said, way to happy.
"Just let him go, take me instead," Patton begged.
"Patton, no!" Rofman and Logan cried.

"I love him! I don't care if you kill me, just set him free!" Patton cried. "Please," he hung his head and cried, until Remus lifted his head up

"You're kindness sickens me," he said. "I'll speak to Dee," he released Pattons chin and stood. When he opened the door, Patton caught a glimpse of Virgils pain filled face. His eyes were closed tight as he tried to hold back the noises. Patton hated the look on Virgils face, and hated even more that Deciet was making him look like that.

After a minute, Patton heard Virgil scream no. He looked up at the door and saw Deciet push him out as Remus walked towards Patton. Remus lifted him up and pulled him to the room.

"Patton, you're making a stupid mistake," Virgil said, grabbing Patton arm. Remus pulled him away and they dissapeared.
"I love you," Patton said softly to Virgil before the door slammed shut. Virgil stood in shock.

"Virgil, get us out if here!" Roman called. Virgil shook his head, and ran to Logan and Roman. He untied them quickly before Remus or Deciet came back.
"Cmon, let's get out of here," Logan said as he stood.

"And leave Patton?!" Roman and Virgil both cried.
"He did this to himself," Logan said coldly.
"To save me! I'm not leaving him here! He wont survive and Thimas needs him," Virgil said angrily. Logan pulled Roman out, and Roman gave Virgil a worried look before he ran. Virgil stood. He knew he needed to save Patton. He could faintly hear Patton crying and ran to the door. He stopped. Patton wanted to do this to himself to save Virgil.

But Thomas needed him. VIRGIL needed him.

Virgil kicked the door open, surprising Deciet and Remus.
"Virgil, no!" Patton cried. "Get out of here!"
"I'm not leaving, Thomas needs you," Virgil said, standing his ground for the first time in his life. "I need you, Patton,"
"Virgil...I'm sorry," Patton said softly.

"We didnt trade you, but if you get out, we will let you go," Deciet said
(We traded you, but if you dont get out, we won't let you go)

"I'm not going anywhere," Virgil snapped. He clenched his fists and jumped at Remus, knocking them both down. Deciet quickly went to help Remus, dropping Patton. Virgil and Patton could speak without talking, and Virgil told him to run. Patton got up and ran as fast as he could. Deciet didnt notice, because he was too busy trying to pry Birgil off Remus. Virgil shoved Deciet away and stood, running out with Patton.

At the edge of the dark side, Logan and Roman stood anxiously, and Roman gasped and pointed when he saw Patton running towards them. Virgil wasnt far behind and the four ran together. But halfway, the pain got too much for Patton and Virgil.
"I can't do it," Patton gasped. He was surprised when Logan picked him up. Roman helped Virgil run and soon they were home.

Once inside, Roman healed the two.

"Patton?" Virgil said softly, holding the others hand.
"Yes?" Patton asked, looking into Virgils eyes.
"I love you, too," Virgil said, looking down. Patton smiled and squeezed hid hand lightly. He leaned forwards and kissed Virgil. Virgil kissed back after a moment, and the two were happy, together and home.

I know that nobody can tell, but my favorite characters in order are

Deciet (that's probably a big surprise)
Remus (again, surprising)
Logan (I'm sorry, the others are just so cool, I still love you!)

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