134. Anxciet fluff

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Mental/verbal abuse
Self hate
A bit of angst
Remus says something kinda perverted near the end

Virgil slammed the brush down as tear poured from his eyes.
"Fuck!" He screamed, slowly falling down to his knees as he sobbed. He couldnt control the tears and sobs.

"Virgil? Kiddo are you ok?" Patton asked, knocking.
"N-no," Virgil whimpered. Patton opened the door and rushed to his side.
"Virg...what's wrong?" He asked kneeling beside the crying boy.
"Why...why can't I be pretty?" Virgil whimpered.
"Kiddo, come here," Patton said taking Virgil into his arms. They stayed like that until Virgil calmed down. Patton felt the others grip loosen, smiling when he heard soft snores. Virgil had fallen asleep in his arms. Patton carefully stood, carrying Virgil to his bed and laying him down.

"S-stay...please," Virgil said softly, opening his eyes and grabbing Pattons wrist. Patton smiled softly and sat beside him.

Virgil moved and wrapped his arms around the others waist, head on his leg as he fell back asleep.

"Is he ok?" Logan asked stepping into the room, the other three sides behind trying to catch a peek of Virgil being adorable.

"Yeah...but I think we need to try and convince him he's...pretty," Patton said, running a hand through Virgils soft black hair.
"I agree...he seems to have zero selfconfidance," Logan agreed
"That's your fault," Remus said, poking Eoman.
"Is not!" Roman hissed.
"Both of you shut up...it's my fault," Janus said softly. They all looked at him. "When we were younger, Virgil and I kind of...dated. we broke up before he came here and havent been on very good terms since, but I wasnt really nice when we were together, or the time between the breakup and him moving here,"

"What kind of mean?" Roman asked. Janus sighed, seeming disappointed in himself.
"I...I used to yell at him alot and made him feel unimportant. I'm the reason he hates himself, hates life, and hates people. I caused his trust issues. When he first moved here, I know he barely talked or stayed around. It was because of me. He was scared of getting attached and getting hurt again,"

"Wait...h-how...how long before he moved did you guys breakup?" Remus asked nervously. Janus' eyes flicked to him.
"16 days...why?"

"You cheated on him...with me," Remus whispered. At first he was shocked, then he turned angry. "You said you had already broken up! You slept with me when you were still with Virgil! Did you tell him that?!" Remus demanded. Janus nodded slowly. "No wonder he hated me all of a sudden! I can't BELIEVE you!" Remus cried before storming away. Roman quickly followed his brother.

"I really am the bad guy," Janus mumbled, pulling his cape around his shoulders tighter and walking away. He hated what he had done...he didnt want to hurt Virgil.

Patton and Logan looked at eachother.
"Go after Janus," Patton said softly. Logan nodded and followed the snake like side.

Virgil moved a bit in Pattons arms, cuddling closer. Patton laid down, hugging Virgil close to his chest.
"I'm so sorry, Virg..." he whispered, kissing Virgils head geny and closing his eyes.

When Virgil woke up with someone in his bed for the first time in 4 years, he was really confused. He went to push himself up and realized there were 2...no...three...four? People in his bed. Patton and Logan on one side, Roman and Remus on the other. Janus was sitting on the floor, looking at his phone.
"J-Janus?" Virgil asked softly.

"I'm so sorry, virgil...I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I yelled, I'm sorry I told you you were ugly, annoying, a disappointment. I never should have said that. And I hate myself for it. I'm sorry I cheated...but please don't be mad at Remus for it, he had no idea we were still together when it happened. These guys...they love you. And they want you to be happy. So...please. Stop believing everything I ever told you. The only thing I want you to believe is that I still love you. You're not ugly. You're beautiful," Janus said after he stood. "And...again, I'm so so sorry," and with that, he left the room. Virgil carefully but quickly got up and ran after Janus, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you, too," he said softly with a small smile. Janus seemed surprised but smiled, hugging Virgil. "But before you get anything more then a kiss, you need to prove that you love me," Janus nodded quickly.
"Absolutly. I'll do anything. Everything," he agreed immediately. Virgil smiled and kissed him again.
"Just agreeing is a good start," he whispered.

They kept it quiet for a few weeks. Janus worked hard on making Virgil happy, as did the other sides. And one day, they all were shocked when he came down the stairs. He was wearing his usual shirt and jeans, though his hoodie was tied around his waist. Plus, he wasnt wearing his makeup, though his hair still covered his face a bit.
"Morning," he said, grabbing an apple. He tossed it in the air once, turned on his heel and left the kitchen. Patton Roman and Logan stared at eachother in complete shock.

"Hey...Virgil, uh...what's with the new look?" Roman asked. "I mean, you look great, but its different," Virgil just shrugged.

"I felt like a change," that made them even more confused.
"You hate change," Patton said. Again, Virgil just shrugged.

"Morning, everyone," Janus said as he and Remus came in. They stopped, looking at Virgil.
"Is that Virgy?" Remus asked.
"Yep, I don't know why you guys are so weird about it," Virgil went over to Janus and kissed him smiling, before going back upstairs. Janus had his gloved hand over his mouth, smiling as he blushed bright pink.

"Ok, ok, this is too much at once. What the hell just happened?" Roman asked, totally confused. The sides all stared at Janus for an answer.
"Virgil and I got back together...I'm guessing this means he's ready to tell everyone," Janus chuckled nervously.
"Didnt you cheat on him?" Roman asked, arms crossed.
"I apologized for everything. It's been like 4 months already, Roman," Janus shrugged.

"My son has had a boyfriend for 5 months and never told me?!" Patton gasped. "Oh no, I can not allow this. VIRGIL!" Patton ran up the stairs, almost tripping.
"I'm going to make sure he doesnt kill Virgil with a hug," Logan said, following Patton up the stairs.

"He was really willing to give you a second chance?" Remus asked.
"Yeah. But he told me right off the bat that the most I would get would be kisses when I deserved it and that if i wanted more i had to prove i truly loved him," Janus chuckled.
"Wow, who knew Virgil could forgive people,"

"Patton!" Virgil screamed. The three looked at the stairs, seeing Patton carrying Virgil over his shoulder down the stairs. Virgil was kicking a bit and whining to be put down. And Patton did put him down.

Right on Janus' lap, of course. The two blushed, though Virgil wrapped his arms around the others shoulders and kissed him softly.

"You're really ok with them knowing now?" Janus asked softly, hands on Virgils hips. Virgil smiled and nodded.
"As long as you two are quiet at night, I'm happy for you," Roman smiled.
"Don't worry about be quiet around me~" Remus smirked. Roman slapped his upside the head, making Remus laugh.

"Are you being cuddly now?" Janus chuckled as Virgil snuggled up to him. Virgil nodded smiling.

Mmmmm soft Virgil, I love him. He's our precious little emo bean. And I love him

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night
Love you guys!

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