Update (please read)

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Hey everyone. So I felt the need to say this.

If you requested something, I PROMISE it is in the making. I don't know what happened but suddenly I had like 5 requests and that kinda stressed me out. And with me, when I get stressed or anxious, I stop wanting to do that thing all together. I currently have I believe 12 drafts, at least 5 of those being requests. And I feel bad because I got one almost a month ago but havent posted it yet because I just can't focus some days and other days I don't have the chance to wrote a whole lot. But I am doing it, I promise.

But I would like to politely ask that until I give another update, you refrain from giving any requests. I love your requests, I really do, but I feel bad not posting them and I'm trying to keep myself happy and as stress free as I can right now. I love writing, it makes me feel better.

But when I feel obligated to post that chapter, I panic. I'm like that with school, too. That's why I'm a C student instead if a B or A. I'm really bad about deadlines and staying focused.

Again, I'm so so sorry! I will try my best to do the requests I have already like half done, and when those are posted I will update again.

Hope you understand, thanks

Love you guys lots

Sander Sides Oneshots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now