64. logicality pt 5

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Where we left off, Patton had just died of cancer, and the kids (Roman Remus and Emile) had been sent to live with their grandmother, their birth mothers mom, because their mom didnt want them.
They were sent to that grandparent because both Pattons parents had died when Patton was in college in a car accident while on the way to meet Pattons new girlfriend (the boys mom)
Their mothers mom had always liked Patton, and thought he was an amazing person, husband and father. She was very sad when their mother left him because she didnt want to take care of kids and wanted to drink.

Remus and Roman are 8, Remy is 9, Delilah is 7 and Virgil and Emile are 5.

Tiny bit of incest, nothing major but it's there so...

"Boys, time to wake up!" Grandma said smiling as she entered the twins room. Roman was cuddled up in Remus' arms. "I have a surprise for you boys in the living room,"

It had been 3 weeks since the boys had seen Logan, because their grandmother lived over an hour away from the town Logan Remy Delilah and Virgil lived in.

Remus and Roman got up and dressed and went to find out what the surprise was.

"Dad!" They cried in excitement, seeing Logan on the couch. He stood and smiled as they ran to him, hugging him tightly. They held on tight, not letting go.
"I missed you boys so much," Logan whispered kneeling down. He kissed their heads and hugged them again.
"We missed you too," Roman said wiping a tear off his cheek. Logan smiled weakly and wiped the tear away.

"RoRo!" Virgil whined hugging him.
"Hi Virgy," Roman giggled hugging his little brother.
"Its quiet not having you guys around," Remy said softly. "Not as fun anymore,"
"How long are you guys staying for?" Remus asked, hugging Delilah.
"Just for the day, I have work tomorrow," Logan said sadly. "But your grandma says we can come by for holidays and some weekends,"

"Daddy!" Enile gasped excitedly, running in and throwing himself onto Logan.
"Hi buddy," Logan said hugging the little boy.
"Emy!" Virgil squealed.
"Virgy!" Emile smiled and hugging Virgil too

The whole day, they hung out at the park and played.
"Its really nice here," Ogan said to their grandmother. "It's a very pretty town,"
"Yes...this is the house I raised my daughter...she and Patton would always bring the kids around but after the divorce, she told him to stay away from her and myself..." she sighed. "I always loved Patton, he was a great man. He really loved the kids and that was amazing,"
"He was definatly something else," Logan sighed. "I just wish...we could have helped him. He was there for the kids when their mother wasnt. We helped each other...Remus was such a messy little kid,"

"Dad! Remus got stuck on top of the swing set!" Remy yelled. Logan looked up and chuckled.

Remus had climbed up the swing set so he was sitting on top and couldnt get down.
"Help," Remus said softly when Logan walked over.
"How in the world did you get up there?" Logan chuckled.
"I was trying to escape Emile and Virgil," Remus shrugged. The movement made him move and he almost fell. Logan sighed and shook his head.

"Alright, I'll catch you. Just lower yourself and jump into my arms," Logsn said. Remus nodded, wrapping his arms around the pole and lowered his bottom half. Logan could reach his feet. "That's it, you're ok," Logan coached. Remus took a deep breath and slowly let go, squealing in fright as he let go completely. Logan caught him and smiled when Renus clung around his neck.
"I will never do that again," Remus whispered.
"Alright, you're fine," Logan chuckled putting him down.
"That was dumb!" Roman scolded. "What if you had fallen and gotten hurt?"
"Then I'd have a cool cast to show off," Remus laughed. Logan rolled his eyes smiling.
"No more climbing on the swings, ok?"
"Yes dad," all six kids said at once.

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