152. LAMP

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Frost bite
Lost in the forest
Mentions of sex

Patton was skiing with his boyfriends when it happened. They were on the lift, Patton sitting with Logan and Virgil. Patton was on the edge and leaning over a bit.

There was a bump. And Patton fell off.
"Patton!" Virgil cried. Patton fell into the snow and started rolling down the hill. He couldn't stop.

When he did finally stop, it was because he had hit a tree.
"Ow," he groaned softly, sitting himself up. He looked up and got even more scared. He was pretty deep into the forest somehow. He tried to get to his feet but started crying. His ankle was broken. Or at least sprained.

"They'll find me," he told himself. "They'll find me,"

"Our friend fell off the lift, we NEED to find him!" Virgil told the man running the ski hill.
"Alright, did you see which way he went?"
"Towards the forest," Logan said, pulling Virgil back gently so he wouldnt hurt someone.

Patton sat on the snow, shivering. He wasnt used to this cold, having lived in Florida his entire life. He was cold and in pain. He wanted to find his friends and go home.

But before he knew it, it was dark. And scary. He kept hearing noises. What sounded like voices. But he was too scared to answer. He just curled up on the soft snow and tried to keep warm with any body heat he had left.

But after awhile, he did feel warm. But it was an natural warm. Something was wrong. He knew something was wrong. He looked at his hand.

He was getting frostbite. He needed to get warm somehow. He brought his hands up and tried to warm them up, breathing into his cupped hands.

"Where are you guys..." he whispered. A tear rolled down his cheek and froze.

"He's out there, ALL ALONE! Patton is terrfied of being alone, he hates the dark and he's probably freezing," Virgil yelled angrily. "It's so cold out there, I'm going to look for him,"
"Virgil, no. We have to let the search and rescue team do that," Roman said. Virgil had made up his mind and grabbed his coat, pulling it on. Roman grabbed his around the waist, pulling him back.

"Virgil, it would be a bad idea to go searching for him right now," Logan stated. Virgil pulled away from Roman and flopped onto the couch in annoyance.
"We can't just sit here...what of when they find him, it's already too late? He could die out there," Virgil said softly, almost in tears.
"We can't afford to think like that, Virgil," Roman said gently, sitting beside him. "Just calm down," the two genly held him. Virgil tried to calm down, but they both noticed he was bouncing his leg impatiently. Logan put his hand on Virgils leg, holding him still.

Patton somehow fell asleep, waking up the next morning when the sun came up. His ankle was still in so much pain. But he tried to get up again. He walked slowly and limped, but he was making some progress. And when he could see the edge of the forest, he screamed for help. He yelled until he voice was raw.

The three were walking, looking and listening. When they heard someone screaming for help.
"Patton," they all said together. They started running, trying to find their smallest boyfriend. They found the freezing boy, crying and on the ground.

"Patton, oh my god, are you ok?!" Virgil yelled, running to him.
"M-my ankle...my hands," Patton whimpered. Logan ran to get help and Virgil took his coat off, wrapping it around Patton and hugging him. Patton buried his face in Virgils neck.
"You're so cold," Virgil whispered.
"P-please don't let me go," Patton whispered back.
"Of course not,"

Roman knelt down and wrapped his arms around the smaller male to help warm him up a bit. Patton face was red, his nose and ears very red. He had been crying quite a bit it seemed.

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