71. Virgil- Invisible

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I'm sorry if this doesnt make much sense

Breaking glass

The day began like any other. Virgil woke up around 10, got up and dressed. He was about to do his makeup and looked in the mirror.
"What....what the hell?" He mumbled. He touched his face. He was there...but he wasnt in the mirror.

"Virgil?" Patton called. "Kiddo you in here?"
"In here pops," Virgil called back. He was already pretty shaken, so this freaked him out even more
.. "Patton?" No answer.

"Virgil?" Patton called again.
"Patton, I'm right here," Virgil said reaching his hand out to touch Pattons shoulder.


His hand went right through Pattons shoulder
"What the hell?" Virgil muttered, staring at his hands. He tried again. Patton turned and went out to the kitchen quickly. Virgil followed close behind.
"Is Virgil already awake?" Patton asked Logan and Roman.
"No, I thought you went to wake him up," Roman said in confusion.
"Yeah...I went in there and his bed was all messy but he wasnt in there," Patton sat down.
"Odd...shall we call Remus or Janus?" Logan asked.
"Guys, what the hell? I'm right here!" Virgil said, anger starting to rise up. "I don't know what kind of sick joke you think this is, but it's not funny!"

No response. It was as if...

He were...invisible.

"G-guys...I'm serious..." Virgil said as he started shaking. Now he was scared. "Patton, please...answer me..."

"I'll go down there and see if he went to visit," Roman said, shrugging his coat on.
"Roman!" Virgil cried, grabbing at Roman's arm. His hands just went right through. Virgil fell to his knees, tears starting to pour out. What the hell was going on?!

"Logan!" Virgil cried, grabbing a book and throwing it at Logan. It hit him on the back of the head and Logan looked up in shock
"What's wrong?" Patton asked.
"A book was just thrown at me..." Logan said, picking the book up slowly.
"But I was over here, and Roman already left," Patton said in confusion.

"Guys, just cut it out! This isnt funny!" Virgil said as more tears poured from his eyes. "I don't like this!"

But it didnt stop. They just...didnt seem to be able to see him. Or hear him. Virgil kept trying to get through to them, dropping things so they would look at what he wrote on the wall, the mirror.

"Virgil isnt there, they say he hasn't been there in a few weeks," Roman said coming back.
"Then where is he?" Patton asked nervously.
"I...I don't know," Roman sat on the edge of the counter.

"We need to find him...he could get hurt," Patton said softly.
"Damnit, I'm right here!" Virgil screamed as loud as he could. "I'm sick of this! If this is a prank, it isnt funny! Just tell me you can see me! Please!"

But again, no answer. Virgil wiped his eyes and smashed a glass in anger. They all threw jumped.
"Patton, careful," Logan said grabbing the broom and pulling Patton away from the shattered glass. Virgil was so angry. He ran out of the house, slamming the door behind him. He ran to Janus and Remus' house. He opened the door and ran inside.
"Remus! Janus!" He screamed.
"Did you hear the door open?" Remus asked slowly.
"Ugh, is Roman back?" Janus groaned standing up.
"You guys, please!" Virgil begged as more tears fell. He tried to grab Janus, but he fell through Janus' body and collapsed to his knees.

He stayed on his hands and knees, crying.
"Please...please tell me it's all a prank..." he sobbed. "I don't like this...please,"

"It's probably nothing," Remus shrugged, sitting down. Janys nodded and sat, wrapped up in Remus' arms. Virgil knew he had to leave when the two started to make out. And before Virgil even knew what was happening, Remus was pinning Janus to the bed and kissing him.

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