97. logicality fluff

889 23 5

Lack on consent
Bathing together (not dating)
Unwanted bondage (tied up while not wanting it)

Vent at the end, sorry I've been doing alot of those

Remus was horny like usual and wanted to fuck his boyfriend.

But Patton wasnt ready for that yet. He didnt want it.

"Cmon, babe. It's not that scary," Remus insisted
"I-I'm just not ready, ok?" Patton said softly. "Not right now,"

Remus wasnt about to take no for an answer though. He roughly grabbed Pattons wrists, shoving him into the wall roughly and kissing him. Patton tried to pull away and whimpered, shaking his head.

"I-I said no, Remus!" He said as tears fell. Remus let his hands travel over Pattons waist, groping his ass and kissing his neck. Patton tried and tried to get Remus off of him, but repeatedly failed. Remus was too strong.

"R-Remus, stop," Patton sobbed as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "I don't want this,"

He was terrified. He didnt want to do this. Not now. Not yet.

But Remus seemed like he was going to worse the moral trait to sleep with him.

"Shut up," Remus growled, pushing Patton onto the bed and kissing him roughly, running his hand up his shirt and exposing his chest.
"Remus, please, stop it!" Patton begged.

Remus didnt stop.

He tied Patton down so he couldnt get away. He pounded into him roughly, making him scream in pain, yell for help.

Hope someone...ANYONE, could hear him.

And thank god Logan did.

"Patton, are you alright?" Logan asked, knocking on the door. Remus roughly covered Pattons mouth, growling in his ear what Patton would say or he'd be punished.

"I-Im fine, Logan!" Patton called. Logan knew something was up. The stutter, calling him Logan instead of Logie, LoLo or Lo...Patton was definitely not fine.

Logan managed to unlock the door and let out a growl at what he saw. Patton, sobbing, bruises hickeys and bite marks covering his chest and neck as he was tied down, Remus slamming into him, even though Patton begged him to stop.

"Get the hell off of Patton," Logan snapped, stepping forwards. Remus seemed a bit startled and sunk out, leaving Patton.

"L-Logan," Patton whimpered.
"Its alright, it's ok," Logan whispered as he carefully untied Pattons hands. He helped the sobbing side into his clothes and let him cling to him.
"Mind if I pick you up?" Logan asked softly. Patton shook his head no.

Logan gently lifted him, smiling softly as Patton wrapped his arms and legs around Logan, burying his face in Logan neck and shoulder.

"T-thank you," he mumbled.
"Don't worry about it. I just want you to be safe," Logan said as he carried Patton down the stairs.

"Hey, is pops ok?" Virgil asked seeing Patton.
"Remus did something to him Patton didnt like," Logan said. He tried to put Patton down, chuckling softly as Patton kept clinging to him, refusing to let go. Logan adjusting Patton so it was a bit easier to hold him, his arms under the frightened boys bottom, keeping him up.

"What did my brother do?" Roman asked, lowering his sword from his imaginary sword fight.
"He...took Pattons...you know," Logan said softly. Virgil knew and jumped up in anger
"He fucking didn't!" Virgil screamed. Logan felt Patton flinch harshly and quieted Virgil.

"He did. Patton is still really shaken up, as you can see. I'm going to take him and give him a bath, then he will sleep in my room. Can you two keep watch?"

"Yeah. Should we tell Janus what happened? You know how much he adores Patton," Virgil said. Logan thought for a moment and nodded.

"Best for Janus to know so he can keep you know who in check," Logan imdidnt say Remus' name, not wanting to distress Patton further.

He took Patton to the bathroom. And carefully sat him on the counter.
"Itll just be for a second, Patton. I'm right here," Logan said gently as he ran the water.

"Would you like me in the bath with you, or no?"
"I-in...please," Patton whimpered. Logan nodded and the two stripped.  Logan made sure not to look at Patton and held him gently as they sat in the water. Logan helped Patton get cleaned up and they just sat for awhile.
"Thank you again," Patton said softly.
"Of course..." Logan sighed. He couldnt tell Patton the truth...that he liked him

Logan gently dried Patton off and they got dressed then went to Logans room. Patton snuggled up close to Logan, wanting to stay as close as he could.

"I love you," Logan breathed sadly.
"I love you too," Patton whispered back as he fell asleep.

Sorry this one is sad! I know, it kinda sucks...sometimes my brain thinks up things like this and I never understand why

Maybe ots because my homophobic siblings are coming back today and i know damn well my sister is going to make a big ass deal about me changing my name.

Literally only 3 people I know irl know of my name change that I've told face to face. My bestfriend, my other bestfriend, and one of my bi friends who is really easy to talk to about sexuality and gender things.

I'm going to buy a binder (if I have the money because...I'm fuckinf poor) and I'm really excited for it. My...my chest...I hate it. I hate every part of it. I mean I hate every part of my body, but my chest and my name are my least favorite right now (like my dead name)

It's been about...idk, probably not as long as I think it's been, it feels like it's been months since I first started thinking about this. But I've only been called by my preferred name by a few people.

You amazing people, and my bestfriends. My mom doesnt know, she just knows I'm questioning. I'm not telling my dad, I told my brothers and they just told me my name was Chloe and that's that, and my step siblings are all little assholes

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night

Love you guys


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